
  • 网络Exception Management;management by exception
  1. 领导行为各维度与工作满意度各维度之间,例外管理和消极改进式领导与工作满意度及其各维度呈显著的负相关关系,其他维度均呈显著正相关关系。

    About correlations between dimensions in leadership behavior and dimensions in job satisfaction , management by exception and passive management both have significant and negative correlation with job satisfaction and its dimensions .

  2. 列出系统控制、例外管理等七项主要原则;

    Seven main principles have been listed , such as the systematic control , exception management etc.

  3. 国外的OracleApplications的预警系统模块还只是一种例外管理和报告工具,只能关注一些关键业务,小能胜任企业整体综合财务预警。

    The early-warning system module of the Oracle Applications is just a kind of exception report tool , can pay attention to some key business only , and small can be competent a enterprise whole comprehensive finance early warning .

  4. 这种例外管理的方法使经理不必去考虑与计划相符的活动。

    This management-by-exception approach frees managers from an unnecessary concern with those operations that conform to plan .

  5. 经常对比实际成本与标准成本,使管理层能按照“例外管理”原则来进行经营管理。

    Routine comparison of actual costs with standard costs permits management to operate the principle of " management by ex-ception " .

  6. 交易型领导有四个因素,即权变奖励、积极的例外管理、被动的例外管理、自由放任。

    Transactional leadership has 4 factors , that is , contingency reward , active exemplary management , passive exemplary management and laissez-faire .

  7. 信息化是实现硬化基础管理、活化综合管理、强化例外管理、建立危机管理、优化战略管理的强有力变革工具,是企业发展的必由之路和希望所在。

    Informationization is a powerful innovative implement to standardize basic management , activate integrate management , enforce exceptional management , establish crisis management , optimize strategic management .

  8. 对领导行为各因素的感知度由高到低依次为:魅力营造、智力启发、精神鼓舞、个别关怀、例外管理、权变奖励。

    On the factors of leadership behavior perception from high to low : charm , intelligence inspiration , create spirit , individual concern , exception management , contingent reward . 2 .

  9. 传统的危机管理总是着重强调对危机应对的管理,即着重当危机发生后的隔离、控制和消除等对策,属于例外管理的范畴,这种做法是对危机管理的片面理解。

    Traditional crisis management always puts great emphasis on how to cope the crisis-to segregate , control and clear off the crisis . It 's a kind of ' exception management ' but also a unilateral comprehension to crisis management .

  10. 除同事关系这一维度,魅力营造、精神鼓舞、智力启发、个别关怀、权变奖励、例外管理等领导行为六个因素,与工作总体满意度及其他五个维度、职业倦怠方面均呈现显著正相关。

    In addition to colleagues in this dimension , the leadership behavior of six factors : the charm to create , spiritual encouragement , intellectual stimulation , individual concern , contingent reward , exception management , and all dimensions of job satisfaction and occupation burnout have significant positive correlation .

  11. 但vivaglam是个例外,管理层利用广告在更加广泛的消费者基础中提高销售。

    Yet the executives made an exception for Viva glam , using advertising to raise sales among a still wider customer base .

  12. 供应链例外事件管理系统

    Research on supply chain exception event management system

  13. 并依据调查报告提出了对于例外事件管理的相关建议。

    Then according to the survey report , the relevant recommendations were put forward .

  14. 例外,管理对象的冲突可能导致一个定时任务的延迟执行。

    Additionally , contention for Managed Objects may cause a timed task to delay its execution .

  15. 所以,例外事件的管理能力直接决定着企业整体管理水准。

    So exception event management capabilities directly determine the level of the overall management of the enterprise .

  16. 作为国民经济大动脉的铁路货运部门也不例外,降低管理成本,提高铁路货运的市场竞争力,是铁路货运系统信息化建设的主要目标。

    As an important department of the country , the railroad freight industry also begins to develop information management to reduce management cost and improve competition capability .

  17. 此规则的例外情况是,管理事务作用域的客户端层中的客户端业务代理由SpringFramework托管为Springbean。

    The exception to this rule is if the client business delegate in the client layer controlling the transaction scope is managed as a Spring bean by the Spring Framework .

  18. 一种例外情况是队列管理器位于QSG中。

    One exception is if the queue manager is in a QSG .

  19. 这项规定的例外是必须通过管理部门和总会计的批准。

    Exceptions to this policy must be approved by both department management and general accounting .

  20. 国内的外资企业也无不例外的施行绩效管理制度。

    It is an integrated management system combining strategy , resource and business of the company .