
lì rú
  • for example;for instance;like;the case in point is;such as
例如 [lì rú]
  • [for example;for instance; such as; the case in point is] 比如

  • 连词很多,例如和、而、或者、不但、因为、所以等

例如[lì rú]
  1. 在许多地方有了改进,例如,鼠标的左右键都可以使用了。

    There are a number of improvements ; for instance , both mouse buttons can now be used

  2. 有的工作比驾驶卡车更危险,例如驯狮。

    There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving ; for instance , training lions .

  3. 这份报告不完整,例如在法国的销售情况就没包括进去。

    The report is incomplete ; it does not include sales in France , for example .

  4. 例如,他们是否已表现出会致力于民主?

    Have they , for example , demonstrated a commitment to democracy ?

  5. 卡萝尔喜欢一些女生常玩的娱乐活动,例如骑马、看老电影等。

    Carole goes in for such typical schoolgirl pastimes as horse-riding and watching old films

  6. 其他国家的人,例如巴基斯坦人,正由本国政府空运出境。

    Other nationalities , such as Pakistanis , were being airlifted out by their governments

  7. 你必须输入命令,例如“帮助”或“打印”。

    You have to type in commands , such as ' help ' and ' print '

  8. 我们需要各方面的帮手:工程师、科学家(例如地质学家)和教师。

    We need helpers of all types , engineers , scientists ( e.g. geologists ) and teachers

  9. 大人物常常出身贫寒,例如林肯和爱迪生。

    Great men have often risen from poverty -- Lincoln and Edison , for example .

  10. 例如:dogs是dog的复数。

    For example ," dogs " is the plural of " dog " .

  11. 许多是战略目标,例如军工厂。

    Many such targets were strategic , such as armaments factories .

  12. 例如芳基二硫化物可抑制聚烯烃的氧化。

    Aryl disulfides , for example , inhibit polyolefin oxidation .

  13. 例如,轮流调度可能是在应用程序本身中假定的。

    For example , round robin scheduling might be assumed in the application itself .

  14. 例如1966年初到1967年,由于越南战争的升级,军事开支增加。

    For example , in1966 and1967 military expenditures increased with the escalation of the Vietnam war .

  15. 例如,坦索罗辛和阿夫唑嗪和其他的降压药物搭配使用,效果一直不错。

    For example , tamsulosin ( flomax ) or alfuzosin-blockers that work well in combination with other anti-hypertensive medications .

  16. 她这人靠不住,例如昨天一个重要会议,她竟迟到了一个小时。

    You cannot rely on her , for instance , she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday .

  17. 田径运动的项目很多,例如跳高、跳远、百米赛跑等。

    There are many track-and-field events , such as the high jump , the long jump , the100-metre dash , etc.

  18. 对某些织物说,例如起绒织物包括灯芯绒、平绒和棉平绒等,外观的改变比起织物的破损还要重要。

    Changes in surface appearance are often more of a problem than is fabric rupture in pile fabrics such as corduroy , velvet , or velveteen .

  19. 但是,有可能使用空间中的某一个适当的物体,例如月亮、或者气球一样的人造卫星来反射无线电信号。

    It is , however , possible to use some suitable object in space-perhaps the moon or a large , balloon-like satellite-for the purpose of reflecting signals .

  20. 当一组特定的静态图像,例如几何图形,以指定的频率切换,便会产生某种动态图片的效果。

    When a number of certain static images , such as geometric figures , for example , interchange with a specified frequency , it creates something like a motion picture effect .

  21. 例如,瑞典牛仔裤公司NudieJeans在其二十家店铺提供免费维修服务。

    For example , the Swedish jeans company Nudie Jeans offers free repair at twenty of their shops .

  22. 例如,到2005年,B2B商务模式的发展并不像人们在2000年预测的那样主要集中在线上,甚至到2016年也没有,但这并不意味着它在未来几十年内不会这样发展。

    B2B commerce , for example , didn 't move mainly online by 2005 as many had predicted in 2000 , nor even by 2016 , but that doesn 't mean it won 't do so over the next few decades .

  23. “这种信息不应使不良行为规范化,而需要使它边缘化,例如‘即使一个人再多买一辆SUV,也会降低我们不依赖能源的能力’这样的声明。”

    " Instead of normalising the undesirable behaviour , the message needs to marginalise it , for example , by stating that if even one person buys yet another SUV , it reduces our ability to be energy-independent . "

  24. 例如,Dewalt发现,许多承包商仍保留着不能工作的旧工具,因为这些工具的采购成本很高,而且很难说它们可以回收利用。

    For instance , DeWalt discovered that many contractors were holding on to their old tools , even if they no longer worked , because they were expensive purchases and it was hard to justify bringing them in to recycle .

  25. 1)调查数据不包括税收、货币转移支付和补偿,例如雇主提供的医疗保险等。

    It excludes taxes , transfers , and compensation like employer-provided health insurance .

  26. 例如,如果你喜欢披萨(情感要素)。

    For example , let 's say you love pizza ( affective component ) .

  27. 例如,电子邮件。

    Take email , for example .

  28. 例如,最新的iPhone6s有一个双核处理器,并且正好能放在口袋里。

    The latest iPhone 6s , for example , has a dual-core processor and fits nicely into your pocket .

  29. 例如,我们可以改变接收通知的频率这些通知令我们分心,促使我们要想要查看信息。

    For example , we can change how often we receive the distracting notifications that trigger our urge to check .

  30. 例如,从常规的新陈代谢转换为几乎无水的新陈代谢会消耗大量的能量。

    For instance , there 's a high energy cost in switching from a regular metabolism to an almost-no-water metabolism .