- 网络totemic myth

The Evolution of Pig Totem Myth and the Variation of Totemism Concept
The myths in Zuo Zhuan can be divided into three typles : heroic myth , totem myth and nature myth .
Myth of bird recorded the ceremony of spring and had bathing motif which was popular in the swan - maiden - type story .
According to Chinese myths , the grapheme , meaning and cultural information of related Chinese characters in Shuowen Jiezi could be analyzed scientifically .
Based on the analysis of myth prototype , from the myth and totem myth , we get the monks birth and the practice of the degrees of nature fierce beast and this reflects the repetition of the trajectory of the ancient memory .
Totem , Heroes of Myth and Prototype Displacement
On this basis , it is more meaningful to renew the understanding of Chinese myth , and to observe and re examine the phenomenon of totem and the origin of myth .
The original human early occult activity , totem worship , myths , legends and so on a series of original activities , is to the original idea of early human of the abstract , early human cave paintings , totem image has a strong symbolic symbolic .
This totem pattern , connected with myths , mixed with witchcraft , and interwoven the art , is not only a multi-functional structure in Southwest , but also a number of social needs which they are expressed through various forms their desire to achieve .
However , there are also some differences . Such as , since ancient times , Mongolians have faith in the Swan totem as well as totem myths , legends , fairy stories . Therefore , Swan system is relatively completed .