
  • 网络Image Monitor;picture monitor;VAR
  1. 对打印图像与主机监视器图像的一致性,以及窗口技术的规范性进行检测。

    The uniformity of printed images and images on host monitor is checked is verified .

  2. 应用CCD摄像和数字电子技术,研制了新型光电等厚干涉实验仪,不仅能将等厚干涉图像放大显示在监视器屏幕上,而且还可对图像进行数字化读数测量。

    Applied CCD camera and digital electronic technologies , a new photoelectric experimental instrument for equal thickness interference is developed .

  3. 创建图像,适合下列监视器分辨率

    Create graphics sized for monitor resolution of

  4. 通过该系统的核心部分&ICCD,可以将夜间远距离目标所成的图像信号传输给监视器,进行间接式夜间观察。

    With the hardcore of the system-ICCD , the image signal completed by long-range target at night could be transmit to the monitor and the indirect observation at night is achieved .

  5. 利用红外热成像系统可将物体的热分布转化为可视图像,并在监视器上以灰度级或伪彩色显示出来,从而得到被测目标的温度分布场。

    The thermal distribution of objects can be transformed into the visual pictures by the infrared thermal imaging system and displayed on the monitor in grey level or pseudo-color , thus the temperature distribution of objects can be obtained .

  6. 教学时,教师可任意调出存贮在计算机中的图像,由若干个图像监视器同时显示,供学生观看。

    A teacher can read out the images stored in computer and display them on many monitors at the same time in the course of teaching .