
  • aphasic
  1. 但是,流动儿童当前正在承受着来自社会的各种不良影响,处于一种失语者的状态。

    However , migrant children are currently under a variety of adverse effects from the community .

  2. 全文分为两大部分,第一部分是对失语者形象历史衍化和分类研究。

    The subject is composed of two parts , the first part is study about the history of the aphasia .

  3. 对失语者有效率为:治疗组100%,对照组72%。

    The effective rates of aphasia were 100 % in the treatment group and 72 % in the control group .

  4. 在传播场域,农民工的媒介身份被丑化,逐渐由传播场域的失语者演变为社会的边缘人。

    In communication field , media indentity of peasant workers is vilified and they change from aphasiac to marginal nan in society gradually .

  5. 对“失语者”的塑造使墨白的小说具有锐利的批判精神,也使小说主体意识具有愤怒、压抑、无奈、反抗、逃离的复杂色彩。

    The creation of aphasiac made Mobai 's novels have critical spirit and characteristics of indignation , inhibition , powerlessness , rebellion and exodus .

  6. 他的电影以生活在现代都市社会边缘的“飘泊者”和“失语者”为主要表现对象,并以高度纪实化的叙事形态和个人化的视角形成自己的特色。

    His films take drifters on the verge of modern cities and those who have no say in society as his objects of displaying .

  7. 尽管在城市媒体报道中,我们难以听到来自于流动儿童内心世界的声音,这个群体处于失语者的境地。

    We can hardly hear voices from the inner world of children from the urban media report . This community is in the aphasia region .

  8. 结果:命名障碍治疗前与治疗后有明显差异,其中动作名词治疗成绩除感觉性失语者外,成绩均高于高频用物、低频用物、身体部位及颜色成绩。

    Result : There were significant effect after the treatment except the patients with sensory aphasia the naming ability for action nouns had got greater progress than the others .