
  • 网络Speaking of love;Sing It Out Of Love;Talking About Love
  1. 这也是一种典型的教派主义的立场,这里没有说到爱外部世界。

    This is again a radically sectarian kind of stance , and in fact , there 's nothing here about loving outsiders .

  2. 蔡健雅本人表示,该奖项在一定程度上是对去年离世的父亲致敬,专辑《说到爱》正是为了纪念他而制作的。

    And this award , according to Chua herself , was partly a tribute to her father , who passed away last year , and to whom Chua 's album Sing It Out of Love is dedicated .

  3. 说到生活跟爱,为什么我们总是相信最糟糕的那一面?

    But when it comes to life and love , why do we believe our worst reviews ?

  4. 真爱一篇古代希伯来文说到:“爱和死一样强烈”

    True Love An ancient Hebrew text says : " love is as strong as death . "

  5. 使人感兴趣的是,他说到战争是由于爱钱而造成的,而钱之所以需要则仅仅是为着肉体而服务。

    It is interesting to find him saying that wars are caused by love of money , and that money is only needed for the service of the body .

  6. 他说到了希望,他的家庭,说到了希望和爱是如何他把养大的,而不是金钱。

    When he was talking about hope and his family how he got brought up and how he did not really get raised by money , he got raised by hope and love .