
  1. 如果一个人要在你的要求下才会改变、才会说爱你、才会在吃晚饭时带酒、才会在飞机降落后给你打电话,那你们之间的关系是你无法承受的。——

    If you have to ask someone to change , to tell you they love you , to bring wine to dinner , to call you when they land , you can 't afford to be with them . -

  2. 啤酒品牌营销,想说爱你不容易

    Beer Marketing , It 's not Easy to Say Loving you

  3. 企业信息化:想说爱你不容易

    It Is Difficult to Say I Love You , Enterprise Informatization

  4. 下次换我先说爱你。

    Yes , I love you , I always do .

  5. 那个说爱你到死的约翰。

    That John who you claim loves you to death .

  6. 现在我说爱你,我想念你,请靠近我

    Now I say love you , I miss you , close to me

  7. 掩饰着那份仅有的悲伤,蜷缩在角落哭着说爱你的自由。

    Hide the only sad , crouching in the corner crying love you free .

  8. 每年洪水的感情,我只说爱你。

    In the annual flood of feelings , I just say , I love you .

  9. 我说爱你,你信吗?

    I love you that your letter ?

  10. 不,不,我不是说爱你,我是说爱中国的黄山。

    No , no.I don 't mean you . I mean Huangshan Mountain in China .

  11. 我需要勇气说爱你,因为你是我的天使。

    I need courage to say I love you , because you are my angel .

  12. 经过第八集的火锅一搏,相信选手们都想说一句话:成都,想说爱你不容易。

    After surviving the killer hotpot , it 's hard for the contestants to love Chengdu .

  13. “有人对你说爱你致死不渝时,你是什么感觉呢?”

    " How does it feel to have a guy profess his undying love to you ?"

  14. 想说爱你不容易,通过发送短信的精神典范。

    Would like to say love you is not easy , by sending SMS exemplar of mind .

  15. 如果说爱你是漫无边际的等待,那我将用我一生的等待来爱你!

    If you love is endless wait , I will spend my entire life waiting to love you !

  16. 奥列格都跟你表白过说爱你了,会不会是你对亲密关系有恐惧症呢。

    Maybe now that Oleg has told you he loves you , you 're starting to have intimacy issues about getting close .

  17. 为什么每次我说爱你总是给我打击,是不相信我还是你根本就没有爱过我!

    Why each time I say I love you always give me a blow , don 't believe me or you didn 't love me !

  18. 要找到一个说爱你的人并不难,难的是找到一个真正把爱付诸行动的人。

    It 's not hard to find someone who tell you that they love you . It 's hard to find someone that actually means it .

  19. 而不是声竭力嘶的嚎叫为什么说爱你的那个人不能来陪你。

    Why but isn 't the sound hissing sound calls out by might and main said likes you that person not being able to come to accompany you .

  20. 因此在12号我告诉他我再也受不了他来转悠了,虽然他是孩子的爸爸,可是他在说爱你的时候如果那么虚假,实在是件让人痛苦的事情。

    That he was the baby 's father , but that hearing the I loves you 's and all was just too painful if he didn 't mean it .

  21. 冲动的时候说“我爱你”,或者喝醉的时候说“我爱你”,都是容易的,因为这时候说的话并不构成某种承诺,这也是为什么他只在那时候说爱你的原因。

    Saying " I love you " in a moment of passion or when you 're drunk is an easy way to say it but not be held to a further commitment . That 's why he only says it then .

  22. 金爵奖公布的九部入围作品中,有俄罗斯大师尼基塔·米哈尔科夫新作《中暑》、美国导演丹尼尔·巴恩兹的作品《蛋糕》,也有中国台湾地区导演王童新作《对风说爱你》。

    Among the films nominated for the Golden Goblet Award are Sunstroke , from Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov , Kang Je-kyu 's Salut D'amour , Cake by Daniel Barnz from the U.S. and Taiwan director Wang Tung 's Where the Wind Settles .

  23. 你的朋友们请我来的他们很担心你并且有话想对你说爱生气要不你先开始

    Your friends have asked me to be here tonight . They 're concerned about you and they have something they 'd like to say.Grumpy , why don 't you start ?

  24. 请别轻易地说爱我,除非你是认真的。

    Don 't say you love me unless you really mean it .

  25. 能不能再听一次你说爱我,回到你怀里的时候?

    Can I listen to one you love and return to your arms , when ?