
  1. 男孩:“好吧,那你说你爱我…”

    Boy : " then say that you love me .. "

  2. 你说你爱我-我是爱�

    You said you loved me ! - I do . !

  3. 你说你爱我,其实我也挺爱我自己。

    You said you love me , I really love myself .

  4. 亲口对我说你爱我

    I need you to tell me that you love me .

  5. 对我说你爱我,然后就此了结吧。

    Just tell me you love me and get it over with .

  6. 克里斯汀:在每次醒来时说你爱我。

    Christine : say you love me every waking moment .

  7. 说你爱我,我爱你。

    Tell me you love me . I love you .

  8. 你说你爱我,我真不敢相信

    You said you loved me . I can 't believe this !

  9. 思嘉:说你爱我!

    SCARLETT : Just say that you love me .

  10. 看上去,父亲感到不自在,很不自在。我走近他:“爸,我想听你说你爱我。”

    Said ," but I 've never heard it from you . " Dad

  11. 我喜欢听&听你说你爱我;

    I like you to-tell me you love me ;

  12. 我有什么资格去说你爱我。

    Who I Am To Say You Love Me .

  13. 我希望如此.这才是你应该有的感受.说你爱我.说是的。

    You know you shouldn ` t say that at a time like this .

  14. 你说你爱我的。

    Vanessa : You said you love me .

  15. 你的言行举止说你爱我。

    Your actions say that you do .

  16. 不,那只是说你爱我,即使你不能嫁给我;

    It would only mean that you love me , even if you cannot marry me ;

  17. 男孩:好吧,那你说你爱我

    Girl : Please * Its so scary * boy : Then say that you love me

  18. 如果在你说你爱我时我退缩了,那是我们两人的问题。

    If I flinch when you say you love me , it 's both our problems .

  19. 每个早晨,每个夜晚,我们都会一起分享,说你爱我。

    Share each day with me , each night , each morning , Say you love me .

  20. 说你爱我在每次醒来的时刻;转过我的头说说夏天。

    Say you 'll love me every waking moment ; turn my head with talk of summertime .

  21. 现在宝贝,说你爱我,要知道那会是多么美妙。

    Baby , would you say you love me , you know that it could be nice .

  22. 只要说你爱我,亲爱的,一切都会变好的。

    If you 'd only say you love me , baby , things would really work out fine .

  23. 你过去多浪漫呀,可现在你从来都不说你爱我了。

    You used to be so romantic , but now you never tell me that you love me .

  24. 1998年8月12日,又一首歌《只想听你说你爱我》勇夺排行榜冠军。

    A second single ," Just to Hear You Say That You Love Me ," hit No.1 on Aug.12,1998 .

  25. 然后,嗯,然后你对我说你爱我,你永远不会忘记我。

    And , um , and then you tell me that you love me and you 'll never forget me .

  26. 不要说你爱我,除非你是真心的,因为我可能会傻傻的,就相信你的话了。

    H.Don 't say you love me unless you really mean it , because I might do something crazy like believe it .

  27. 不过,我现在并不责怪你,安吉尔。我只是想问你,安吉尔,现在你会宽恕我吗?我不能忍受再失去你,我不得不杀死他。现在,说你爱我吧,说你爱我!”

    But I don 't blame you , Angel . Only , will you forgive me now ? I could not bear losing you any longer , I had to kill him.Say you love me now , say you do ! "

  28. 昨晚,你确实跟我说了你爱我。

    Last night , you did tell me you loved me .

  29. 男孩儿:“好吧,那你说声你爱我。”

    Boy : " Then say that you love me . "

  30. 露西:你是说你也爱我吗?

    Lucy : You mean you love me , too ?