
  • 网络Persuader;THE PERSUADERS;persuasive;THE MAKE-BELIEVE MAN
  1. 罗杰·摩尔是任期最长的詹姆斯·邦德,曾先后七次出演007系列电影。此外,他在电视剧《圣徒》中又奉献了精彩表演,还同托尼·柯蒂斯主演了《说服者》。

    Beyond being the longest-serving James Bond with seven 007 films under his belt Sir Roger will also be fondly remembered for his TV work in ' The Saint ' and alongside Tony Curtis in ' The Persuaders ! ' .

  2. 她已经发现,很难说服同盟者支持她在今年六月的国会中打击过的扩大EFSF权利以及由他们来偿还政府债务的提案。

    She is already finding it hard to persuade her coalition partners to support in parliament the deal she struck in July to expand the EFSF 's powers and let it buy up government debt .

  3. 说服管理者信任员工,让他们做对的事。

    Convincing management to trust employees to do what is right .

  4. 他们的目标是说服立法者延长失业救济的期限。

    Their goal is to convince lawmakers to extend unemployment benefits .

  5. 他们也说服朝圣者的国家给这些来参加朝拜的穆斯林信徒注射疫苗。

    They are also urging countries to vaccinate pilgrims making the trip .

  6. 说服售货者接受一个较低的价格。

    Persuade the seller to accept a lower price .

  7. 努力说服立法者赞成他们的观点的人。

    Someone who tries to persuade legislators to vote for bills they favor .

  8. 日产仍需说服怀疑者。

    Nissan still has to win over doubters .

  9. 我不得不想,在花费精力说服求职者到公司来应聘之后,为何招聘者还会忘记如何尊重各位潜在的雇员?

    I cannot help but wonder why recruiters forget to treat potential employees with respect after the effort expended to convince candidates to apply for jobs at their companies .

  10. 美国“哈佛危险研究中心”星期天发表的一份研究报告显示,旨在说服驾车者不要让小孩坐在汽车前排(特别是带安全气囊的汽车)的宣传教育运动已经初显成效。

    Education campaigns warning drivers not to put children in front passenger seats , especially in cars equipped with air bags , are paying off , according to a study released on Sunday .

  11. 摘要我国行政诉讼法及相关司法解释中所界定的原告的举证责任,有属于说服责任者也有属于推进责任者,不能一概论之,应具体分清责任性质。

    Burden of proof of the plaintiff that defines in administrative procedure law of our country and relevant judicial explanation , has belongs convinces the responsibility also has belongs the advancement responsibilitycan 't talk about without exception , and should distinguish nature correctly .

  12. 但是对罗伦佐来说,要说服航空业者并非易事。

    But convincing the airlines was no easytask for Lorenzo .

  13. 我只希望此次试验能够说服一些怀疑者。

    I just hope this trial run will win over some of those skeptics .

  14. “无行为则无犯罪”,但仅以一句公理性格言来对“持有”的属性做出回答恐怕是难以说服否定论者的不同声音。

    Western economics theory is individual to economy the meaning that the dependence of behavior makes economic reason had axiom sex suppose .

  15. 美国国务院表示,克里敦促俄罗斯说服这些分裂主义者解除武装并撤离,用缓和的方式表态。

    The State Department says Kerry urged Russia to persuade those separatists to disarm and stand down , and to tone down its rhetoric .

  16. 为了缩小收入差距,我们必须浏览相关的小册子,就这件事给记者们简要地作一介绍,并且还要说服那些决策者们。

    To bridge the income gap , we must browse the brochure related , brief the reporters on the issue and bring around the policy-makers .

  17. 或许你真诚的道歉会说服被冒犯者,你并不是一个可怕的人,将来他们可能会给你第二次机会。

    Hopefully your sincere apology will have convinced the offended party that you aren 't a horrible person , and in future they will be willing to give you a second chance .

  18. 在该章的最后部分,提到了法律英语的模糊性和精确性之间的均衡,试图说服法律职业者们摒弃难懂的英语,取而代之用平白易懂的英语。

    In the end of this part , the tradeoff between legal English and ordinary English is put forward , attempting to persuade legal professions to apply plain English instead of unintelligible English .

  19. 对指标文化最直接、最有说服力的抨击者之一,就是英国咨询公司Vanguard的总经理约翰•塞登(JohnSeddon)。

    One of the most forthright and persuasive critics of the targets culture is John Seddon , managing director of UK-based consultancy Vanguard .

  20. 显然,您应该能够成功说服GNU的编译者们,但我本人还没试过。

    It stands to reason that you should be able to persuade GNU compilers to do the trick , but I haven 't tried that myself .

  21. 感到担忧的佩尔穆特试图说服该公司控制者罗恩佩雷曼(RonPerelman)进军影片制作业,以恢复人们对这些角色的兴趣。

    Alarmed , Mr Perlmutter tried to persuade Ron Perelman , who controlled Marvel , to get into movie production to revive interest in the characters .

  22. 当然,日本的例子说服不了通胀论者。

    Of course , the Japanese example does not silence inflationists .

  23. 我要说服他把偷渡者酒吧再卖给我们

    And I 'm gonna convince him to sell the Stowaway back to us .

  24. 推销您的观点的最好方法,就是向您所要说服的那些管理者和执行者证明,这样做能够获得最大的收益。

    The best way to sell your argument is to demonstrate that it 's in the best interests , organizationally and career-wise , of those managers and executives you seek to convince .

  25. 但更重要的是,它应当说服中国政策制定者,中国经济能够承受人民币走强,而且作为他们遏制价格压力努力的一部分,升值也是可取的。

    But more importantly it should persuade Chinese policy makers that a stronger yuan can be tolerated by the economy and is warranted as part of their efforts to curb price pressures . '