
  • 网络persuasive advertising;Persuasive;persuasive ads
  1. 说服性广告投资博弈分析

    A Game Analysis of Persuasive Advertising Investment

  2. 企业可以通过信息性广告来向消费者传递自己产品的存在、价格等信息,可以通过说服性广告来改变消费者的偏好。

    The enterprise can transfer information to consumer through informative advertising and can change their preferences through persuasive advertising .

  3. 启发或说服性的广告。

    Suggestive or persuasive advertising .

  4. 通过分析广告语言的说服性,指出要成功实现广告语的说服性,仅把广告语作为一种静态交际形式,对其字、词、句、篇章等研究是不够的。

    Based on the Relevance Theory and its analysis of the persuasiveness of advertising speech , summarizes that , to successfully achieve its certain persuasion , it is far from enough just to treat advertising as static communication and study it from words , expressions , sentences and discourse .