
  1. 产品远销欧美及东南亚等海外地区。东部沿海地区,经济发达广告就多。

    Along the eastern coast region , because of developed economy there are a lot of advertisement .

  2. 大多数老板期待达到经济声称广告与宣传小册子,但是很失望当燃料账单都高。

    Most owners expect to achieve the economy claimed in adverts and brochures , but are disappointed when their fuel bills are higher .

  3. 本文将扫描跨国势力于中国经济和广告业的渗透现状,并对在华跨国广告的意识形态建构及影响和中国大众的解读状况进行分析。

    This paper will describe what part the multinational forces play in Chinese economy and advertising , and analyze the ideological construction and effect of the multinational ads in China , and then the decoding status of Chinese mass .

  4. 本文以我国广告业的最新现状为背景,从信息角度论述了社会主义市场经济与广告活动的关系,并对广告现象与广告活动作了本质分析。

    This paper takes the recent situation of our advertisement as the background , discusses the relationship between socialist market economy and advertisement activities from the information viewpoint , and makes analysis in essence of the advertisement phenomenon and advertisement activities .

  5. 新开发研制的广告灯箱控制器具有集中控制模式、集中供电方式、备用灯管模式,通过这种方式可设计出多功能、EMI干扰小、效率高、经久耐用且经济的灯箱广告牌。

    The new developed and researched advertising lamp-box controller is provided with the centralized control mode , the centralized supply power way and the reserve lights mode . By this means , lamp-box advertisement brand with multi-function , little EMI interfere , efficient , durable and economic can be designed .

  6. 经济发展使广告业兴起,广告业的发展呼唤具有高素质的广告人才。

    The development of economy promotes rising of advertising .

  7. 但是经济危机使广告市场遭受重创。

    But the recession has hurt the advertising market .

  8. 广告是一种经济现象,广告的效果直接受广告语言的影响。

    Advertisements are an economical phenomenon , whose effect is directly influenced by advertising language .

  9. 经济调查与广告写作

    Economic investigation and advertising writing

  10. 在迅猛发展的商品经济时代,广告在人们的生活中无处不在。

    The rapid development of commodity economy in the era of advertising in people 's lives everywhere .

  11. 第五章主要研究了一个经济模型的广告时滞脉冲模型的控制问题。

    In the fifth chapter , the stable problem of a economic model with advertising time-delayed and impulsive is discussed .

  12. 作为经济风向标的广告行业,也从快速发展进入到平稳增长阶段,市场规范程度不断加强,本土广告公司内部之间以及与跨国广告集团之间争夺市场和客户的竞争态势愈发严峻。

    But as the competition becomes more and more severe , local advertising companies have to compete with international advertising giants .

  13. 经济严冬中广告业的破冰之道&广告公司参股企业发展路径探寻

    Ice-breaking of advertising industry in economic winter : to explore the development path of advertising agency free reversed investment in client 's business

  14. 随着世界经济全球化,广告跨文化传播的不断加深,越来越多的域外广告竞相在我国登陆。

    With the economic globalization and the deepening of cross cultural advertisement and communications , more and more foreign ads are coming into China .

  15. 论社会主义市场经济中的广告信息活动&兼论广告活动的信息与传播观

    On the Advertisement Information Activities in the Socialist Market Economy & And on the View of " Information and Dissemination " of advertisement Activities

  16. 广告业的行情通常放大这样的经济周期:广告业在经济不景气的初期就明显下滑,一旦经济开始复苏就立刻反弹。

    Advertising usually exaggerates the economic cycle : falling sharply and early in a downturn , and rebounding strongly once the economy has begun to recover .

  17. 对于中国媒体而言,外在的压力是市场的压力,经济竞争,广告竞争,新闻竞争,品牌竞争;

    To Chinese media , the external pressure is something about market , economic competition , advertising competition , valuable news competition , and the competition of fame ;

  18. 通过社会化网络服务平台进行的广告传播,是把日新月异的现代传媒技术与现代传播思想相结合而建立起来的一种经济高效的广告传播模式。

    The advertising communication transmitted through the Social Network Services platform is a new mode of advertising communication , which combined highly developed media technology with modern communication ideology .

  19. 包装是构成产品和企业形象的重要部分,也是产品营销中非常具有经济效益的广告宣传和竞争工具。

    Packaging is molded products and enterprise image of grade is an important component of the enterprise marketing is also the most economic benefit of advertising carrier and competitive tool .

  20. 本文结合当前正在全球蔓延的金融危机,剖析在经济危机中广告文案情感渗透的趋势以及广告所承载的社会责任。

    In this paper , the current financial crisis is spreading worldwide , and analyzes the economic crisis in the emotional penetration trend ad copy and advertising bearing social responsibility .

  21. 商品经济时代,广告业的发展如日中天,但相伴而来的各种虚似代言门事件也层出不穷,究其根源则在于代言广告法律规制的严重缺失。

    The era of commodity economy , the development of the advertising industry flourishing , but that often accompanies a variety of false endorsement door event after another , its root is the endorsement of the serious lack of advertising legal regulation .

  22. 《汕头经济特区户外广告设置规划》将户外广告设置规划控制分为四个模块:法规规范模块、规划设计模块、技术标准模块和管理措施模块。

    The Planning for Outdoor Advertisements Set-up in Shantou Special Economic Zone has di - vided the planning control for outdoor advertise - ments into four modules-code : criterion module , plan - ning and design module , technical standard module , and management measure module .

  23. 在当今信息盛行的经济社会,广告以其独特的风格、精炼的句法、丰富的内涵已被应用到社会的各个领域,其最终目的便是劝诱消费者购买广告产品。

    Nowadays , in this economic society in which information is prevailing , advertisement has been applied in many fields with its unique style , refined syntax and rich connotations , and the ultimate aim of which is to persuade the consumers to purchase the products advertised .

  24. 从经济视角看本土广告业的生存与发展

    Survival and development of domestic advertising industry from an economic perspective

  25. 如何评估经济变局对在线广告市场的影响?

    How to evaluate the influence of economic change on online advertising ?

  26. 现代经济社会中,广告可谓无处不在。

    In modern economic society , advertisements appear almost everywhere .

  27. 高速公路广告设置的技术标准法理研究,是经济法学在高速公路广告设置经济行政中的具体应用研究。

    Technical standards for legal research of Setting highway advertising .

  28. 注意力经济下的报纸广告

    Advertisements for Print in the " Attention-span Economy "

  29. 互联网和新兴经济体是在广告业中增速最快的两大领域。

    The internet and emerging economies are the two fastest-growing areas in the ad world .

  30. 市场经济中体育的广告策略

    Advertisement Tactics of Sports in Economic Market