
  • 网络economic region
  1. 21世纪:经济地域空间结构的新变化

    21 century : new change of spatial structure of economic region

  2. 21世纪经济地域景观形态研究

    Study on landscape formation of economic region in 21 century

  3. Friedman的核心&边缘模式作为理论基础,分析了广东省四大经济地域发展水平的差异,探讨了空间极化与空间扩散趋势。

    Friedman 's core-periphery theory , the differences between the four economic regions of the province are analyzed , which are divided in terms of the natural and socio-economic conditions . Furthermore the tendency of the spatial polarization and diffusion is examined .

  4. 九十年代广东省不同经济地域差异分析

    An analysis on regional disparity of Guangdong Province in the 1990s

  5. 整合产业发展的空间经济地域;

    The re construction of space economic area of industrial development ;

  6. 中国经济地域结构类型的初步研究

    An initial study on the economic territorial structure types in China

  7. 经济地域产业结构演变的问题探讨

    The Probe into the Evolution Characteristics of Economic Regional Industrial Structure

  8. 双重创新:经济地域成长的引擎

    Double Innovation : The Motivity of the Maturity of Economic Regions

  9. 论中国经济地域划分及经济协调发展的途径

    On the economic area division and the ways of economic

  10. 流域整体性是其经济地域的根本特性。

    The river basin wholeness is the fundamental property of economic district .

  11. 优化粤西海洋经济地域结构的分析与对策

    Analysis and Strategies of Optimizing Ocean Economical Regional Structure of West Guangdong

  12. 湖北省城市经济地域分异规律研究

    On the laws of territorial differentiation of urban economy in Hubei Province

  13. 特别的经济地域发现的深圳是何时?

    When was the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone founded ?

  14. 江苏省工业经济地域行业八五规划研究

    Study of Regional Industrial Economic Pinning of Jiangsu Province

  15. 论西亚经济地域部门结构

    On the regional economic structure of the West Asia

  16. 梅州市的经济地域结构优化研究

    Regional Structure Optimization of Economic Development Strategy in Meizhou

  17. 旅游经济地域分区方法研究

    A study of division methodology of Tourism-economy regions

  18. 中外经济地域类型研究的理论与实践

    Theories and Practices on the Study of Economic Regional Types in China and Abroad

  19. 关于我国海洋经济地域系统时空特征研究

    Research on the Characters of Space and Time of Marine Economic Areal System in China

  20. 世界经济地域结构中的珲春&图们江地区开发

    The Development of the Hunchun-Tumen River Area in tne Economic Geographical Structure of the World

  21. 100年来东北地区经济地域格局的演变

    The development of the economic regional pattern in Northeast China in the past 100 years

  22. 我国的经济地域结构与区域能源战略的关系初探

    A preliminary analysis on the relationship between the hierarchy of economic regions and energy strategy in China

  23. 港口是一个经济地域,是一个国家或地区的门户、运输枢纽和贸易中心。

    Port is an economic region . It is the gateway to a country or a region .

  24. 这种影响的结果在空间上的体现将赋予经济地域新的诠释。

    What the results of this influence reflect on spatial region will give economic region a new annotation .

  25. 江苏经济地域差异与苏北经济发展战略思考

    Regional Differences in the Economy of Jiangsu Province and Strategies for the Economic Development of its Northern Areas

  26. 本文暂且把这种基本经济地域单元称为城市经济辐射区,以供探讨。

    This text calls such basic unit of economic region radiation area of urban economy temporally for discussion .

  27. 甘川青交接区域民族经济地域类型及其分区发展模式研究

    Regional types and developmental models of minority economy in the contiguous region of gansu , Sichuan and Qinghai provinces

  28. 论文从人地关系地域系统为切入点,探讨中国海洋经济地域系统的特征。

    This paper discussed the characters of marine economic area system from the point of man-earth relationship area system .

  29. 钦州湾经济地域系统人地耦合机制及其调控初探

    A preliminary study of the man-earth coupled mechanism and its adjustment and control of Qinzhou Gulf Economic Regional System

  30. 新中国制度变迁与经济地域格局演化关系研究

    A Study on the Relation between the Change of Institution and Evolution of the Economic Regional Pattern of New China