
  1. 根据项目特点,项目选择健壮性、扩展性能好,部署升级方便的基于浏览器的B/S网络开发模式。

    B / S network development pattern based on browsers is selected whose feature is good robustness and extensibility .

  2. 对非均衡型区域和发展中的地区而言,近期采用点&轴渐进式开发模式,远期采用网络开发模式不失为一种正确的战略选择。

    For non-balanced regions and developing regions the " gradual point-axle devel - opment " pattern for the near future and the " net - work development " pattern in the long-dated future can be the correct strategic choice .

  3. 远期采用网络开发模式,最终构筑多枢纽互联型、区域均衡型和开放型的现代化公路运输,最后借鉴国外发展经验,分析了老挝交通运输发展方向。

    Use " web development " for the long-term plan , and later forming a multi-hub interconnection type , regionally balanced and open modern road transportation , finally , inspired by the experience of other countries in development , make careful analysis of the Lao transport development direction .

  4. 基于个别化学习的网络课程开发模式与策略研究

    Model and Strategies of Developing Web-based Courses Based on Individualized Learning

  5. 用Java的网络特性开发Client/Server模式的信息系统

    Using the Network Features of Java to Develop Client / Server Mode Information System

  6. 然后论文分析了系统的设计目标和功能要求,对比不同的网络应用系统开发模式后,提出了基于WEB的三层系统框架设计。

    Papers before the design objectives and functions of the system , the comparison of different network application systems development model , a Web-based framework of the three-tier system design .

  7. LAMP是一种得到广泛运用的网络应用程序开发模式,其中的组件均属于免费或开源软件。

    The LAMP is widely used in developing , and all of the components are free or open source software .

  8. 本文首先对网络应用程序开发模式及其理论进行了详细的研究和阐述。

    This paper has first studied and represented the development pattern of network application program and its theory in detail .

  9. 可采用点轴推进、纵深辐射,区域联动、网络开发的开发模式。

    Use the development mode of " point shaft promoting , depth radiation , regions linkage , network development " .

  10. 本文探讨了湖南区域开发系统模式&据点开发、轴线开发、网络开发三阶段模式,并建议,四大产业带、四大经济发展圈的开发应实施非均衡协调发展战略。

    This paper deals with the model , namely , three stage development of spot , axis , and network in the regional development system in Hunan .

  11. 随着产品复杂性的提高、市场要求的迫切和网络化产品开发模式的推广,新模式下产品设计过程的理论和方法已成为一个重要的研究方向和应用领域。

    Along with increasing of product complexity , urging of market requirement and spreading of networked product development mode , product design theories and methods have attracted wide attention from academies and industries and become important research directions and application fields .

  12. 基于访问安全性MVC的网络化分销系统开发模式

    A Networked Distribution System Development Model Based On Access Security MVC

  13. 通过调研,课题采用了最新的HTTP网络应用服务的开发模式,使研究成果以最快的方式服务于学校和社会成为可能。

    Through investigation and research , the paper put the latest HTTP network application service models into use . That made it possible to apply the research results to serve the school and society in a fast way .

  14. 网络产品开发中设计模式的选择分析及其应用

    Selection , Analysis and Application of Design Pattern in Development of Network Product

  15. 分散环境下基于网络的快速产品开发模式

    Approach of Rapid Product Development in Distributed Environment

  16. 论文在分析了国内外网络协同产品开发先进模式及其相关技术的基础上,提出了适合自治区发展的羊绒产品协同开发平台。

    The thesis based on the analysis of the domestic and international advanced product development coordinated system and related technology , setting up a cashmere product coordinated platform , which is quite suit for the development of IMAR .

  17. 设计了一种无线传感器网络应用的基本系统,给出了实现无线传感器网络应用开发的一般模式,该设计方法可用于其它相关应用系统。

    Design a basic system of wireless sensor network applications and given the general pattern of the wireless sensor network application development . The design method can be used for other related applications .

  18. 在研究各类网络应用系统开发需求的基础上,提出了基于主题资源进行网络应用开发的新模式,并基于该模式给出了网络应用系统的设计和开发方法。

    In this paper , the developing requirement of network applications is studied , and a new design pattern of the network application system based on subject resource is put forward , and the design and development methods are emphasized .