
  1. 如果你知道什么人像Sherrie这样请在我们网站留言告诉我们他们的事迹

    If you know an amazing person like Sherrie , please write to our website and tell us about them

  2. 男士美容行业店主LisaHilton在该网站留言说道:英国人肯定很乐意看见白金汉宫出现一个叛逆者将皇室搅得鸡犬不宁,而哈里王子是最有可能跟一个充满野性的女孩子交往的人。

    Owner of mens grooming range + Rehab London , Lisa Hilton said : British blokes would love to see the Royal Family shaken up by a rebel at Buckingham Palace , and Prince Harry is the one whos most likely to date a wild-child .

  3. 同时也欢迎给我们的网站留言。

    Leaving a massage on our web site is also welcomed .

  4. 欢迎访客在本网站留言。

    Visitors are welcome to leave messages on this site .

  5. 一些人致电无线电台,甚至纷纷涌向各大媒体网站留言,表达着对他的支持和爱戴。

    People called radio stations and flooded social media sites with messages of support and affection .

  6. 还有,我对于目前来我网站留言的人数感到很惊讶也非常开心啊!

    Blog-I am stunned and happy with the number of newbies leaving messages in my Blog 's guestbook !

  7. 自杀中的很多人都有在这些网站上留言。

    Many of the victims had posted messages on social network sites .

  8. 一时间,网站的留言里好评如潮,销量因此进一步增加,这就带来了更多的好评,于是形成了一个正反馈。

    More sales , more algorithm-fueled recommendations , and the positive feedback loop kicked in .

  9. 由于器官缺乏,一些为患者寻找捐赠者的网站和留言板应运而生。

    The organ shortage has fueled the creation of a number of websites and message boards where patients search for donors .

  10. 你可以通过在你喜欢的其它网站上留言从而实现这一点,留言中包括了指向你的博客(网站)上的相关帖子的链接。

    You can do this by leaving comments on other sites you like , which include links back to relevant posts on your blog .

  11. 如果大家喜欢这期播客,或是有问题或者想留言,请在www.slowenglish.info网站上留言。

    If you like this podcast or you have a question or a comment to make , you can leave a comment on my website at .

  12. 周三,罗琳在她的个人网站上留言说,她非常担心网上的盗版行为,其中包括那些窜改原文的盗版版本。

    In a message posted Wednesday on her Web site , Rowling said she was concerned about online piracy , included bootleg editions for which the original text was altered .

  13. 在美国,窥叶是一项庞大的业务,尤其是在东北部地区,现在有不计其数的网站、留言板和摄影网站能够帮助你制定一项出游计划。

    Peeping is big business in the US , particularly in the north-east , and there are now countless websites , message boards and webcams to help you plan an expedition .

  14. 一位海外华人在新西兰的博客网站上留言说,中国老年人来这里是为了享受当地养老和社会福利,如果不是这样,谁愿意不远万里离开祖国呢?

    Chinese seniors are coming over to enjoy local pension and social welfare benefits . Otherwise , who 's willing to travel thousands of miles to leave our homeland behind ? reads a comment by an overseas Chinese on a New Zealand blogsite .

  15. 韩国首尔——到了本周二,韩国教育部网站的留言板变成了虚拟的猪圈和狗窝,有不少评论者以“汪汪!汪汪!哼哼!哼哼!”的字样发泄他们的愤怒。

    SEOUL , South Korea - By Tuesday , the message board of the South Korean Education Ministry 's website had become a virtual pigsty and dog pen , with commenters venting anger in the form of " Woof ! Woof ! Oink ! Oink ! "

  16. 在网站论坛中留言,寻求网站设计者的帮助,让他们对网站进行评价。

    Leave a message at webmaster forums asking fellow website designers to give a look at your site and make comments .

  17. 一些问题和建议来自于全国的广播听众,另一些问题来源于发表在教育部官方博客网站上的留言。

    Questions and comments also came from teachers in the nationwide listening audience and from people who posted on the Department of Education 's blog .

  18. 学生可以利用该网站进行网上留言和下载精品课程课件;教师可以进行网上答疑和上传精品课程课件;管理员可以进行教师和学生信息的管理、审批课程、权限管理、添加站内新闻等操作。

    Students can use the Website to leave messages and download the quality courseware . Teachers can upload quality courses online and answer the students ' questions .

  19. 《致命罗密欧》在戏院上映期间,我的助理教我怎么查看网站上的留言版,有很多网友在上面留下各种意见。

    Around the time that Romeo Must Die appeared in theaters , my assistant showed me how to check the message boards on my website , where fans post all sorts of opinions .

  20. 约翰勒姆自己也在Facebook上进行搜索,当她发现合适的网站时,会留言介绍她的书。

    Yohalem did her own searches on Facebook and when she found sites she considered appropriate , she posted a note about her books .

  21. 管理模块由网站内容管理、留言管理等构成;

    The management module is composed of the website content management and the guestbook management .

  22. 在本网站张贴的任何留言并不代表本公司的立场。

    The content of any messages posted on this web site does not represent the views of The Company .

  23. 这个网站有一个留言板用于课堂的有关通告,并且有些同学们感兴趣的网站连结。

    The website will also serve as a message board for announcements about the class , and will have links to sites of interest to the class .

  24. 纳迪娅查收电子邮件并浏览社交网站myyearbook.Com,在网站上阅读留言或是发帖表达自己最近的心情。

    Nadia checks here-mail and peruses myyearbook . com , a social networking site , reading messages or posting updates on her mood .