
  • 网络network management center;NMC;NMS;NOC
  1. 武警网管中心UPS供电系统设计

    Design of UPS system for CAPF ′ network management center

  2. 面对3G业务的快速发展和上网流量的屡创新高,此次网管中心自主研发了基于面向分析数据仓库技术的3G基站流量分析系统。

    The Network Management Center researched and developed the WCDMA base station traffic analysis system based on the analysis of data warehouse technology independently .

  3. 最后,把CORBA技术应用到黑龙江省网管中心的实际项目中,设计了具有三层结构的电信管理网。

    Finally , we apply CORBA into the Project Heilongjiang Province Telecommunication Network Management .

  4. 重点阐述IP城域网路由的规划选择、安全保障技术和网管中心的功能要求,为其他地市IP城域网的建设提供了有益参考。

    The paper focused on the planning and selection of routing , security technology and function requirements of network management center and offer useful reference for the construction of other cities ' MAN .

  5. 校园网网管中心监控系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Monitor System in Campus Network Center

  6. 一个网管中心网站接入子系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Website Access Subsystem for Network Control Centers

  7. 用千兆网搭建企业网的网管中心方案

    The Solution for Building Intranet Manager Center with Gigabit Network

  8. 基于短信技术的网管中心业务管理系统设计

    The Design of Network Management Operation System Based on SMS

  9. 辽宁联通省网管中心机房标识化研究

    Research on the Sign System of Equipment Room Through NMC LiaoNing Unicom

  10. 江苏省电信网管中心应用系统现状与发展

    The Situation and Development of Application Systems in Jiangsu Telecom Network Management Center

  11. 目前该系统在四川移动网管中心运行良好。

    The system is running well in the mobile network center of Si-Chuan province now .

  12. 陕西电信网管中心

    Network Management Center of Shaanxi Telecom

  13. 对邮政综合网和网管中心的建设均提出了具体的方案和看法。

    It also puts forward concrete methods and ideas for building network management center and postal comprehensive networks .

  14. 本文通过分析建设银行实施客户经理制的内外部环境,阐明建行实施客户经理制的必要性和紧迫性。用千兆网搭建企业网的网管中心设计

    The customer manager system is the center of the bank re-engineering . Design for Building Intranet Manager Center with Gigabit Network

  15. 在调度中心设置网管中心,统一进行全网的网络管理和业务管理。

    It sets the network management center in the dispatching and communication center , runs the network and operations management uniformly .

  16. 为了实现云南省所有网管中心无纸化办公、信息沟通和信息共享,云南省电子政务网络管理中心决定开发云南省电子政务业务管理系统。

    In order to realize all the YunNan Province Network Management Center having no paper working , information communication and information sharing .

  17. 中国网管中心副主任高沈阳在接受路透社采访时表示,这两名运动员为年轻队员树立了良好的榜样。

    Gao Shenyang , deputy director of the CTA , told Reuters that the two women set a good example for younger athletes .

  18. 研究所和公司现主办国家高级学术刊物《电路与系统学报》,负责管理中国科学院计算机网络广州地区网管中心。

    It edits and publishes a high-class scientific journal & Journal of Circuits and Systems bimonthly distributed both in China and in the world .

  19. 设计了一种通用二级管理体制的卫星通信网络管理系统:网管中心&远端监控设备体制。

    A universal satellite communication network management system is designed , which includes two-level devices i.e.Network Management Center and Remote Monitor and Control Device .

  20. 采用监控中心读取网管中心直放站所在小区的频点信息,然后通过短消息的方式发送设置命令的方法来实现自动选频。

    We use control center to get the frequency signal of the area of repeater , and send the short message to change the frequency of the repeater .

  21. 采用千兆以太网交换技术和分布式路由方案建立网管中心,统一网络中交换设备的配置、网络设备的清单。

    Adopting 1 000M Ethernet exchanging technology and the distributing type route scheme establish the network management center , unify the disposition of switched equipment in the network and the detailed list of network equipment .

  22. 网管中心所获信息中有很大一部分是它所不需要的,即垃圾数据,而这些垃圾数据一方面降低了查询的效率,另一方面则导致了网络拥塞。

    But most of the returned information is unuseful for network management center because there is so much " trash " that it reduce the query efficiency , on the other hand , the unuseful information also results in the network congestion in bandwith .

  23. 介绍了卫星通信的优点,阐述了网管中心和卫星端点站的组成和功能,探讨了工作频段的选择、网络拓扑结构、传输体制及卫星的选择。

    The paper introduced the advantage of satellite communication , described the composition and function of the network management center and the satellite terminal , and discussed the selection of work frequence , the network topology , and the selection of transmission system and satellite .

  24. 根据湖南移动通信公司网管中心提供的相关统计数据,移动网络故障很大部分是通信机房基站的动力系统中断或者是机房温、湿度环境变化异常导致基站设备无法正常工作;

    According to the relevant statistical data provided by Hunan mobile communications company , the malfunction of mobile network is the primary reason of the impetus for establishing communications system disrupted or engine room temperature and humidity change in the environment lead to the construction equipment in abnormal status ;

  25. 《案例》:广州电信网管维护中心&重构电信网络运行的管理体制

    NMMC of Guangzhou Telecom & Reconstruction of Management System on telecom network operation

  26. 广州电信网管维护中心是广州电信网络运行维护作业层的核心部门。

    Network Management and Maintenance Center ( NMMC ) of Guangzhou Telecom is the core department of local network operation and maintenance .

  27. 以网管平台为中心管理模型的剖析

    The analyse of network management model based on platform - centric paradigm

  28. 网管代理在卫星网管系统中占有重要的地位,它是网管中心与被管设备的中介,网管中心通过网管代理获取被管对象的信息,从而实现对整个网络的管理。

    Network management agent occupies an important position . in satellite network management system , it is Intermediary between network management center and equipment , network management center manage the whole network through it .

  29. WCDMA网络的网管系统从功能上分为两层,底层是厂家网管即操作维护中心(下文简称OMC),直接与网元设备交互,负责网元数据采集和对网元维护命令的执行;

    WCDMA network management system can be divided into two layers , the bottom one is Operation and Maintenance Center , it alternates with Network Element directly , OMC is responsible for NE data collection and the execution of NE maintenance command ;