
  • 网络online group-buying;Network group Purchase;Online Group Shopping;business to team
  1. 最后本文对网络团购的营销方式提出了一些营销建议。

    Finally , marketing proposals about marketing patterns of online group-buying are put forward .

  2. 在此基础上构建了体验营销的网络团购顾客忠诚的模型。

    On this basis , customer loyalty model of online group-buying by experiential marketing is built .

  3. 本文以H品牌笔记本电脑网络团购的策略选择问题为实例,给出了团购策略选择方法在现实中的应用研究,并验证了本文给出方法的可行性和实用性。

    This case is about a group-buying strategy selection of H notebook , which demonstrates the selection method .

  4. 而拥有大批相似需求成员的SNS网站则是网络团购尚未完全开发的领域。

    SNS sites have a large number of similar needs members buy the network is not yet fully developed areas .

  5. 对W团购企业主要存在的团购运营管理问题进行分析,而后并对团购企业组织网络团购提出相应的建议。

    The W group purchase group purchase enterprise mainly exist in the operation and management problems are analyzed , and then the group purchase group purchase of organizational network put forward the corresponding suggestion .

  6. 网络团购、虚拟社区、Web2.0等的出现,给过去网络营销带来了巨大的机会和挑战。

    Group Buying Online , Virtual Community , Web 2.0 , etc. , have brought great opportunities and challenges to the past online marketing researches and practice .

  7. 这有待日后对影响网民消费者进行网络团购因素进行进一步的研究。

    Further studies on factors influencing netizen consumer is required .

  8. 第三部分分析了网络团购合同的成立以及生效。

    The third part analyzes the establishment and commencement of the contract .

  9. 近年米,网络团购作为一种新兴的商业模式迅速发展。

    Network group buying developed rapidly as a new business pattern these years .

  10. 在网络团购中,无论是与团购网站还是与商家相比,消费者都处于相对弱势地位。

    Comparing to the websites and merchants , consumers are in a relatively weak position .

  11. 随后,这种网络团购模式在我国被大量复制。

    Then , this mode was widely copied by lots of website in our country .

  12. 整套研究方法与研究模型值得在全国范围的餐饮类网络团购中进行推广。

    The whole study method and model can be generalized to the nationwide study of catering online group-buying .

  13. 网络团购的健康发展对消费者、网络服务商及经营者都是非常有利的。

    Healthy development of online group purchase is beneficial to consumers , Internet service providers and operators as well .

  14. 网络团购的特殊交易模式及短时间内的快速发展引起了各界学者的普遍关注。

    The specialty of online group-buying and the relatively short time prosperous have attracted attention and interested from scholars .

  15. 国内文章一般从博弈的角度对影响用户进行网络团购进行阐述。

    Domestic articles generally describe affecting the user to buy in this way from the perspective of the game theory .

  16. 近一年来,网络团购中的各种问题也伴随着它的盲目扩张而频频出现。

    In the past year , along with the blind expansion , the various problems frequently arises in group-buying online .

  17. 网络团购是一种新兴的消费方式,它是通过聚集一定数量的消费者,向商家购买价格相对低廉的商品或服务。

    It is by gathering a certain number of consumers , to buy relatively inexpensive goods or services from businesses .

  18. 在合同成立部分,笔者主要分析了网络团购合同的要约与承诺。

    In the section of contract establishment , the author mainly analyzes the offer and acceptance of online group-purchasing contract .

  19. 网络团购是指利用互联网聚集有同样购买需求的顾客,从商家购买大量商品的行为。

    Online group-buying gathers customers with the same needs together through the Internet to purchase large quantities of goods from businesses .

  20. 通过结合网络团购的主题,开创出了技术创新模型新思路。

    By theme of combining network a bulk , a new idea of a technology innovation model new was worked out .

  21. 而实际上,要想真正了解影响网络团购影响因素,要将这些影响因素进行单一的、具体的分析。

    Actually , in order to understand the influence factors , a single and specific analysis on these influence factors is required .

  22. 整个团购过程中的负面口碑如潮水般袭来,击碎了企业选择采取网络团购作为其营销手段的美好初衷。

    It has broken the industry enterprises and has been chosen to take the network as its means of marketing group-buying intention .

  23. 新型的网络团购模式:主动式网络团购市蔬菜公司下的各个分公司组成了联购、联销的经营网络。

    An Initiative Mode of Group-Buying Online ; all Branches of this vegetaBle company have organized a joint purchasing and marketing management network .

  24. 网络团购在市场中有其自身的存在特点,特定主体,也有其特有的几种存在形式与经营模式。

    Group-buying online in the market has its own existence , specific subjects , and its unique in several forms and business models .

  25. 我们在分析网络团购多方法律关系演变中重点突出了团购网的法律性质与相应承担的法律责任。

    We though the legal relation analysis of network group buying to highlight the network group buying organizers ' legal nature and legal responsibility .

  26. 造成这些问题的原因一方面是网络团购中三方主体法律责任归属不明确。

    One of the reasons for these problems is that the legal attribution of responsibility in tripartite subjects of online group-purchasing is not clear .

  27. 要想做到如此就必须深入研究影响消费者进行网络团购的因素,已达到客户的满意程度,就成为各个团购网站必须关注的焦点的所在。

    To achieve this , we must do deep research on the impact of the reason of group buying on line and satisfy the customers .

  28. 通过实地的问卷调查,在对网络团购存在问题的系统分析基础上,按照系统工程层次分析法对这些存在的问题进行对策研究。

    Through field questionnaire survey , the countermeasures , based on the analysis of AHP , against problems exist in the online team buying are approached .

  29. 第四部分,笔者通过对网络团购合同中的违约行为形态分析,明确了网络团购合同纠纷中的责任归属,并就此提出相应的救济途径。

    The fourth part defines the attribution of responsibilities in online group-purchasing contract dispute by analyzing its breach form , and proposes appropriate channels for remedy .

  30. 国内第一家网络团购公司成立于2010年,一年后团购网站数量超过5000家。

    The first internal group purchase websites was established in 2010 , and the number of group purchase website was more than 5000 after a year .