
  1. 大都会亚洲艺术部主任何慕文(MaxwellK.Hearn)表示,王己千的大部分重要收藏都是他一早购入的,当时中国艺术品市场尚未成形。

    Maxwell K. Hearn , chairman of the Met 's Asian art department , said Mr. Wang acquired much of his important collection early on , when the market for Chinese art didn 't exist .

  2. 中国艺术品市场一直是以西方作品为主流。

    The Chinese art market has always been predominantly Western .

  3. 浅谈中国艺术品市场

    On China 's Artwork Market

  4. 或许最重要的是,上海市的主要官员也大力支持本次博览会,希望利用此次展会,确保使上海走在北京前面,成为中国艺术品市场中心。

    Perhaps of greatest importance , leading political officials in Shanghai are behind the fair , hoping to ensure that Shanghai rather than Beijing becomes the centre of the Chinese art market .

  5. 2010年中国艺术品市场总成交额超过1500亿元,占全球艺术品销售额的33%,居全球第一。

    In Chinese art market in 2010 , the total turnover is more than 50 billion yuan , accounting for 33 % of the global art sales , ranking first in the world .

  6. 目前,可以确定的事情寥寥无几,其中之一是:王己千在收藏历史名作上很有眼力。自他过世后,随着中国艺术品市场的蓬勃发展,这些作品增值了很多倍。

    Among the few certainties at this point is that Mr. Wang demonstrated the ability to acquire objects of historical importance , objects that since his death have increased many times in value as the Chinese art market has boomed .

  7. 第四章是中国油画艺术品市场营销对策。

    Chapter IV discuss marketing strategy of Chinese painting art .

  8. 二○○五年中国艺术品拍卖市场

    2005 auction market review of Chinese works of Art

  9. 品味生活:作为德领国际文化传播的总裁,你对目前中国的艺术品市场如何评价?

    LifeStyle : Being a patron of art , how would you assess the art market in China ?

  10. 自3年前在国际拍卖界打响头炮以来,中国当代艺术品市场的发展速度已居全球之首。

    Since it exploded on the international auction scene three years ago , Chinese contemporary has been the fastest-growing art market .

  11. 由于中国内地艺术品市场在过去几年里呈现出来的周期性特点,老虎和苍蝇们应该不难将那些来路不正的艺术收藏品伪装为一文不值的藏品。

    Given the gyrations in the mainland art market in the past few years , tigers and flies should have no trouble passing off their ill-gotten art collections as worthless .

  12. 中国书画艺术品拍卖市场行情走势

    The Quotation Trend of Chinese Painting Calligraphy Artworks Auction Market

  13. 论中国艺术品拍卖强势市场的形成

    On the Formation of " strong Auction Market " of Chinese Art Works

  14. 二○○六年中国文物艺术品拍卖市场的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of Chinese Cultural Relics and Art Crafts Auction Market in 2006

  15. 中国装修艺术品的大市场

    The large market of Chinese mounting handcraft article

  16. 同时在国际国内艺术品市场的带动下,中国的油画市场目前已经成为中国艺术品市场中最具魅力,发展最为迅猛,最有投资价值的一个板块。

    At the same time , led by international and domestic art market , China oil painting market has become the most attractive , the fastest growing and the most valuable plate in China art market .

  17. 在近些年关注中国的媒体推动下,中国当代艺术品市场飞速向前发展,去年的一些拍卖会上,一些中国艺术家的作品拍出了每件200万美元的高价。

    Helped by the media attention that has been focused on China in recent years , the market for Chinese contemporary art has surged ahead , with works by some artists fetching more than $ 2m apiece at auction last year .

  18. 中国文物网:您怎样看待经历金融危机后的中国艺术品市场前景?

    Chinese art & antiques online : How do you look upon the prospect of Chinese art after the financial crisis ?