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  1. 并结合赣州中廷广场工程转换层施工实例,详细介绍新施工技术的施工全过程,主要包括结构的二次验算、施工图的二次调整、支撑系统的设计施工和现场监测试验。

    Combined with " Ganzhou zhongting square " project transfer floor construction example of the construction details of the new technology in the whole construction process , including checking the secondary structure , construction of the second adjustment , framework supporting system design , construction and site monitoring tests .

  2. 20世纪40年代中后期福费廷融资业务由瑞士苏黎世银行协会首先开创。

    In middle and later periods of the forties of the 20th century , Forfaiting financing business started by bank association , Zurich of Switzerland at first .

  3. 从我无意中听到的一些谈话片断可以推断,他们在这里达成了交易,敲定了收购——就像维斯特洛南部富庶的首都君临城(King'sLanding)中诡计多端的廷臣的现代版。

    From snatches of conversation I overhear , deals are done here , and takeovers hatched - a modern take on the scheming courtiers of King 's Landing , the affluent , southern capital of Westeros .