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fēnɡ ɡuān
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  1. 查封官需要有郡法院的证明才能没收货物以抵欠租。

    Bailiffs need a certificate from the county court to seize goods for rent arrears .

  2. 不过,我所说的这种尊严,可并不是帝王将相的那种尊严,而是那种没有被封官授爵的庶民的尊严,你将看到那尊严是闪烁在一举斧一投枪的臂膀上;

    But this august dignity I treat of , is not the dignity of kings and robes , but that abounding dignity which has no robed investiture . Thou shalt see it shining in the arm that wields a pick or drives a spike ;