
  • 网络close loop;seal ring;closing link
  1. 从尺寸链理论的角度来看,公差分析是解决计算问题,即已知各组成环的尺寸和公差,确定最终装配后封闭环的尺寸和公差;

    From the point of view of the dimension chain , tolerance analysis is a calculation from dimensions and tolerances of composing loops to dimension and tolerance of close loop .

  2. 采用灵敏度公差分析方法开发出相应的计算软件,定量分析了组成环公差对封闭环公差的影响程度。

    The software of calculation is developed by the method of sensitivity tolerance analysis . The effect of tolerance of composing loop on tolerance of close loop is analyzed quantitatively .

  3. 大直径封闭环焊缝X射线双壁单影检测技术

    Radiographic Inspection of the Large Diameter Obturating Circumferential Weld by Double-wall Single-image Technique

  4. 在2mm厚的哑铃形A3钢试件上进行对接闭环控制实验,试验结果表明:在散热条件变化的条件下单独调节脉冲占空比可以保证焊缝反面宽度的稳定;闪光对焊封闭环式箍筋应用技术

    Closed loop control experiments with butt joint were conducted on 2 mm mild steel dumbbell shaped work piece . Application of Closed Stirrup With Flash butt Welding Method

  5. 在Matlab中用蒙特卡洛法模拟计算机器人大臂组的装配尺寸链封闭环根据计算的结果应用合适的装配方式确定其装配精度要求。

    In Matlab Monte Carlo Simulation is used to calculate the closed ring size of the assembly robot arm . According to the results of the dimension Chain calculation , the appropriate method of assembly is selected to determine the accuracy of the assembly .

  6. 典型封闭环焊缝多道焊焊接残余应力的模拟分析

    Numerical analysis of multi-pass welding residual stress for typical closed weld

  7. 快速判断工艺尺寸链中的封闭环

    Quick Determination of the Sealing Ring in the Process Dimension Chain

  8. 封闭环结构在客车车体承载结构中的应用

    Application of Enclosed Ring in Load Bearing Structure of Passenger Car Body

  9. 尺寸类型及其对封闭环的影响分析

    The Analysis of the Size Type and Their Influence on the Closed Loop

  10. 闪光对焊封闭环式箍筋应用技术

    Application of Closed Stirrup With Flash butt Welding Method

  11. 大直径封闭环梁及辐射撑支护系统在深基坑支护中的应用

    Application of Ring Beam and Radial - support System to Retaining Structure in Deep Excavation

  12. 薄壁封闭环磨削回弹的建模与数值研究

    Modeling and Analyzing the Spring-back of the Thin Closed Ring with Cut after Grinding Process

  13. 为了满足封闭环的装配要求,修配量应当有一个极限值。

    But repair value must meet the requirement or restriction from assembly requirements of close-chain .

  14. 获得了非封闭环焊缝焊接温度场和残余应力场,并对模拟结果进行了分析。

    The temperature field and residual stress field of unclosed hoop weld were obtained and the results were discussed .

  15. 通过封闭环尺寸及公差计算,计算并校核余量及余量公差。

    The closed loop dimension and tolerance is calculated in order to calculate and check allowance and allowance tolerance .

  16. 试件浸透水后,便装入一个专用的O形封闭环的容器的下半部中。

    After saturation the specimen is fitted into the lower half of a special cell , being sealed by O-Rings .

  17. 将封闭环协调公差带配置在最佳位置,可使产品装配的调校过程简化。

    Disposing the optimum location of a relative tolerance zone of the closed dimension can simplify the adjustment process of an assembly production .

  18. 本文首先分析修配环修配时影响封闭环的四种情况,分别推导了这四种情况下修配环最大修配量计算公式,其结果相同。

    The paper analyzes four cases that repair influences close-chain , and deduced the formulae for computing the maximal repair-value of four cases , and these formulae are the same .

  19. 采用铜制的夹具,解决了焊接封闭环缝的热变形问题,提高了产品的合格率和生产效率;

    The fixture was made of a copper material in order to overcome the hot deformation of sealed girth by welding , improving the ratio of acceptable products and production efficiency ;

  20. 将箍筋用闪光对焊焊成封闭环式,不但可以避免常规箍筋安装中的弊端,提高工程质量,还可以节省钢材、提高工效,具有良好的社会效益和经济效益。

    Closed stirrup with flash butt welding method can not only avoid malpractices in normal closed stirrup construction , but also can improve construction quality & work efficiency with fewer steel materials .

  21. 介绍了基准不重合时,工艺尺寸链的计算方法,以及几种典型条件下封闭环和工序尺寸的确定方法。

    This article introduced how to calculate the craft size chain when the benchmarks do not coincide and several methods of closure process size and the central closed link determine in typical conditions .

  22. 在尺寸链图中以加工工序为依据,利用封闭环的自然形成特性(间接保证特性)快速确定封闭环。

    Taking the machining process as the basis in the dimensional chain drawing , with the naturally formation feature of the sealing ring ( indirectly protection feature ), the sealing ring can be quickly determined .

  23. 组成环和封闭环的分布规律与公差分析、公差综合所用到的各分布参数密切相关,分布参数的大小直接影响到装配成功率的高低。

    Distribution laws of divided link and sum link relate exceedingly to the distribution parameters in tolerance analysis and tolerance synthesis . And the numerical value of these parameters influences directly the assembly 's reliability .

  24. 利用杆系构成的矢量封闭环,建立矢量方程,从而求得机构的位移、速度、加速度、角速度、角加速度。

    Established the vector equation using the occlude circle made by the sticks to work out the displacement , speed , acceleration , the speed of angle , the acceleration of angle of the institution .

  25. 公差分析研究组成环对封闭环的影响,即已知各组成环的尺寸、公差及分布参数,确定最终装配后的封闭环公差。

    Tolerance analysis aims to explore the effection of divided link on sum link , namely how to ascertain the assembled sum link 's tolerance if knowing all divided link 's dimension , tolerance and distribution parameter .

  26. 通过对修配环被修配后使封闭环尺寸变大或变小情况的分析,详细说明了修配法在机器装配中的应用情况。

    Based on the analysis of the cases in which the amended modification link makes the dimension of end link larger or smaller , the article illustrates in detail the application of modification method in the assembly of machines .

  27. 此外,由于这些脉动存在向下的运动,也不排除在一个封闭环或开放场结构中传播的扰动引起振荡的可能性。

    Moreover , because there is a frequency drift downwards ( towards photosphere ) of the pulsations , it is not excluded the possibility that the oscillation is caused by the propagating disturbance in a close loop or open field structure .

  28. 本论文对二维任意形状平面区域进行刀具轨迹的自动生成,采用有向的封闭环对边界进行描述,通过构造等距线法求解刀具轨迹。

    In this paper to the 2-dimensions arbitrarily the shape flat surface carries on tool path generation , the adoption have to of closing wreath carry on the description to the slot form boundary , use offset curves method make tool path generation .

  29. 通过计算得知,尺寸合格率灵敏度较小的组成环公差对封闭环公差的影响较小,产品合格率灵敏度较小的尺寸链稳健性较好。

    The conclusion is that the effect of tolerance of composing loop on the tolerance of close loop is less if the sensitivity of dimension yield is less and the robustness of dimension chain is better if the sensitivity of product yield is less by calculation .

  30. β分布模型处理尺寸链封闭环进行可行性研究,论述用β分布处理封闭环这一新模式的思想方法,阐明β分布模型在机构精度分析中的应用。

    In this paper , the handle seal confining of size chain with β distribution model was feasibly studied , new thoughts and ways to handle seal confining with β distribution model were discussed and the application of β distribution model in analysis of mechanism precision was expounded .