
  1. “封印者”迷们的投诉淹没了游戏开发公司Nexon。

    Fans of " Closers " inundated Nexon , the company which produced the game , with complaints .

  2. 她是韩国网游“封印者”中一个人物的配音员。

    She was the voice of one of the characters in a South Korean online game called " Closers . "

  3. 那种认为韩国游戏“封印者”中的角色之一应当由某个穿着印有女权主义口号的T恤的人来配音的想法,对某些人来说简直无法忍受。

    The thought that one of the characters in the Korean game " Closers " should be voiced by someone who might wear a T-shirt with a feminist slogan was just too much for some .