
fēnɡ miàn nǚ lánɡ
  • cover girl
  1. 玛丽不是封面女郎,但她足够漂亮去做一名封面女郎。

    Mary is not a cover girl , but she is pretty enough to be .

  2. 封面女郎汰渍Halo团购网美国运通看看他背后其中一个广告商是我的书

    Cover Girl , Tide , Halo , Groupon , American Express.Look at the back , one of the sponsors is my book

  3. 六月号《Maxim》杂志的封面女郎是排在第29位的沙拉·斯尔弗曼。

    The cover of the Hot-100 June issue features a picture of No.29 : Sarah Silverman .

  4. 如果你没听够和看够麦当娜,她又做了哈珀出版社的杂志Bazaar五月份的封面女郎

    If you haven 't got your fill of Madonna , she 's Harper 's bazaar 's May covergirl

  5. 封面女郎(CoverGirl)主要销售廉价化妆品系列,人们可以在沃尔格林药店(Walgreens)和CVS药店找到这些产品,它在2013年的销售额增长了1.9%。

    Cover Girl , with its inexpensive line of makeup you can find in any Walgreens ( WAG ) or CVS ( CVS ) , saw 1.9 % growth in 2013 .

  6. Smith曾是花花公子封面女郎,今年2月8日在佛罗里达神秘死亡,年仅39岁。她死后,这名男子将日记卖给好莱坞大道上的一个纪念品收藏家。

    He sold the diaries to a memorabilia collector who runs a shop on Hollywood Boulevard who came forward with the diaries after the mystery death of the former Playmate in a Florida hotel on February 8 at the age of 39 .

  7. 1927年,假小子气的美女李·米勒(LeeMiller)在纽约的人行道上偶然遇见媒体大亨康德·纳斯特(CondéNast),从而成为杂志封面女郎和轰动一时的模特。

    In 1927 , a chance encounter on a New York sidewalk with the media mogul Cond é Nast made the gamine beauty Lee Miller a magazine cover girl and modeling sensation .

  8. 我本想为你庆生让你的一些朋友还有下一任的封面女郎SofiaVergara为你录些东西但不幸的是

    I wanna to for your birthday , get your close friends and follow covergirl Sofia Vergara to shot something , but unfortunatly ,

  9. 这位备受欢迎的英国女孩莉莉·唐纳森曾担任过“Vogue”这类时尚杂志的封面女郎,她展示了自己性感迷人的夏装,身着一件白色半透明的抹胸连衣裙参加了此次活动。

    British golden girl , Lily Donaldson - who has been a cover girl for the likes of Vogue - showcased her own sultry take on summer style , wearing a white semi-sheer , strapless dress to the event .

  10. 40岁的维多利亚作为新加坡版《ELLE》杂志2014年六月的封面女郎,在接受采访的时候表示,她希望能通过自己的品牌服装帮助女性认识到自己最好的一面。

    Speaking in an interview as ELLE Singapore magazine 's July 2014 cover star , the 40-year-old beauty admitted she hopes that through her Victoria Beckham clothing line she can help women feel their best .

  11. 封面女郎,“封面女郎”对我的护发素有兴趣了。

    Covergirl . " covergirl " is interested in my conditioner .

  12. 南茜的梦想是做一个封面女郎。

    Nancy 's dream is to be a cover girl .

  13. 她是各大杂志的封面女郎。

    Her face is on the cover of every magazine .

  14. 琼斯打起精神来体育画报的封面女郎不是《花花公子》的

    Jones , pull it all together.Sports illustrated , not play boy .

  15. 满满盛着一箱未来,就这样去见封面女郎了。

    A case of my future is on its way to covergirl .

  16. 他的女朋友很美,有作封面女郎的资格。

    His girl fried is pretty enough to be a cover girl .

  17. 她体重降了十五磅,看上去就像一个封面女郎。

    She has lost 15 pounds and looks like a cover girl .

  18. 她是杂志封面女郎,我见过她。

    She is , like , on magazine covers . I know her .

  19. 她是个封面女郎了。

    She is , like , on magazine covers .

  20. 你可以把你跟封面女郎的约会忘了。

    You know what ? You can forget about your meeting with covergirl .

  21. 他们要你成为11月的封面女郎?

    They want you to pose for miss november ?

  22. 珍妮弗·安妮斯顿成为《时尚芭莎》封面女郎

    Jennifer Aniston Hits The Cover of Harper 's Bazaar

  23. 论作为象征符号的封面女郎

    On the " Cover Girl " as a Symbol

  24. 喔,她就像个封面女郎,男孩们会为她死那种

    Well , she does have that cover-girl look that boys die for .

  25. 封面女郎是位著名的演员。

    The cover lady is a famous actress .

  26. 这是安吉莉娜第四次荣登“最美”排行榜,但成为此刊的封面女郎,还是第一次。

    It 's her fourth time on the list , but first as cover girl .

  27. 她们拼命地想成为封面女郎;我拼命地想保住我的牙齿。

    They desperately want to be a cover girl ; I desperately want to keep my teeth .

  28. 封面女郎向大众提供了乌托邦的幻境,向女性提供了效仿形象。

    The cover girl provides the public with a Utopian illusion and the female with a model to follow .

  29. 封面女郎广告,意大利窝狗和台步,你最爱哪个?

    Of the Covergirl commercial , Vogue Italia shoot and runway show , which did you enjoy the most ?

  30. 我太爱她了我们有很多共同点我们都是金发我们都是封面女郎

    I love her.taylor and I had a lot in common.we are both blonde , we 're both cover girls