
  • 网络elo rating
  1. 给棋手国际等级分的比赛之后,所有贡献(正的或负的)都要加上棋手起始等级分系数。

    After a tournament , which entitles the players to international rating , all contributions ( positive or negative ) to a given players start rating coefficient are summed up .

  2. 她刚取得第二个国际象棋大帅等级分。

    She has just achieved her second grandmaster norm .

  3. 报名单需包括:姓,名,国际棋联ID,国际棋联等级分及称号,护照号码及陪同人员信息。

    The complete registration form must include the surname , first name , FIDE ID number , FIDE rating and title , and passport number of each player and each accompanying person .