
  • 网络madam secretary
  1. 从某些方面讲,《国务卿夫人》想要以现实主义的方式描绘华盛顿。

    In some ways , Madam Secretary seeks to be realistic about Washington .

  2. 但是,就像《傲骨贤妻》越拍越好,情节越来越复杂一样,《国务卿夫人》也可能成为下一部优秀的美剧。

    But just as The Good Wife has become so much better and more complex than it was when it began , Madam Secretary could develop into the next great US television series .

  3. 周日,CBS频道的《国务卿夫人》(MadamSecretary)就是这样开场的,那个熟悉的场景(这一次是黎明时的大马士革)早早地暗示我们,这部关于女国务卿的电视剧虽然好看但完全是照本宣科,没有太多创意。

    That 's how " Madam Secretary " begins on Sunday on CBS , and that familiar landscape ( in this case , it 's Damascus at dawn ) is an early clue that there is not a lot of creative license in this enjoyable but by-the-book drama about a female secretary of state .

  4. 较之大多数政治题材电视剧,《国务卿夫人》更具人情味,这也是该剧的卖点。

    McCord as Secretary of State is much more human than most politicians on TV , which is the selling point of the show .

  5. 希拉里屹立不倒:希拉里·克林顿的个人履历中充满了第一:唯一一位成为美国参议员后来成为呼声很高的总统候选人后来又成为国务卿的第一夫人。

    Hillary stays on : Clinton 's CV is chock full of firsts : The only first lady to become a U.S. senator turned viable presidential candidate turned secretary of state .