
ɡuó jì tè jí dà shī
  • international grandmaster
  1. 在今天的比赛中,中国国际大师徐俊迎战队友、国际特级大师叶荣光。

    In today 's tournament , Chinese international master Jun Xu challenged teammate and international grandmaster Rongguang Ye .

  2. 1985年出生。拥有女子国际特级大师称号和男子国际特级大师称号。

    Zhao Xue was born in1985.She has earned the titles of WGM and GM.

  3. 然而人类是注定要在比赛中输给机器人的——只要问问那些国际象棋特级大师就知道了。

    But humans are destined to lose the race against the robots - just ask any chess grandmaster .

  4. 也就是在这一年,阮露斐获得了女子国际象棋特级大师称号,代表国家队获得世界女子团体锦标赛冠军。

    In the same year , she was awarded the title of Women Grandmaster and represented China to win the group champion in2007 Women 's World Chess Group Championship .

  5. 这个术语是在我们会下国际象棋的超级计算机“深蓝”的启发下得到的。我相信很多人都知道去年它与国际象棋特级大师卡斯帕罗夫进行过对抗赛。

    The term is inspired by our chess-playing super computer Deep Blue , which I believe many of you know competed with the Grand Master Gary Kasparov last year .