
  • 网络national mission
  1. 可以说,科技型中小企业从它的诞生之日起,在一定程度上承担着重要而光荣的国家使命。

    It is even assessed that the small-medium enterprise have born arduous national mission to some extent since their beginning .

  2. 只要我还担任总统,我们的国家使命就依然是建设一个每个人都有归属感,每个辛勤付出的人都能得到进步机会的美国。

    And as long as I am President , our national mission will remain building an America where everyone belongs , and everyone who works hard has a chance to get ahead .

  3. 不过由国民共同承担税收增加和支出削减,可以逐步灌输一种国家使命感,帮助一国渡过时艰。

    Yet shared tax increases and spending cuts can instil a sense of national purpose to help a country weather tough times .

  4. 但现实情况是,没有一种机制能够使得央行采取违背国家使命而施惠于他国的措施。

    But in reality , there is no mechanism to make central banks take measures that would contravene their national mandates for the benefit of other countries .

  5. 在分析的基础上发现,经过三十多年的探索,经济特区成功地完成了当时的国家使命,为中国经济的发展做出了很大贡献。

    Basis of the analysis , we find that after 30 years of exploration , special economic zones have successfully completed the national mission and have made great contributions for Chinese economic development .

  6. 志愿者角色突显了国家使命,给他们带来压力与动力;汉语教师角色则促使他们努力提升自己以满足这一职业角色的期望。

    The role as " volunteers " showed their mission for the country , which brought them both pressure and power , while the role of " Chinese teachers " inspired them to satisfy the expectation for this professional role .

  7. 在本月底,在国情咨文中,我将围绕确保美国经济为每个努力工作的人提供尝试和成功的公平机会这一国家使命动员全国。

    And at the end of the month , in my State of the Union Address , I will mobilize the country around the national mission of making sure our economy offers everyone who works hard a fair shot at opportunity and success .

  8. 中唐文人主动肩负起拯救民族、复兴国家的使命。

    Literati in the Middle Tang Dynasty shouldered voluntarily the responsibility of rescuing nationality and resurging country .

  9. 一方面是国家的使命,另一方面是对倚仗他们铺平前进道路的黑人种族的责任。

    one to their country and another to all the black folks who were counting on them to pave the way forward .

  10. 然而,当命令的辩论已经告一段落,在利比亚的最后的谈判变得难以捉摸,因为参与的国家在使命的目标意见不同。

    However , while the disputes over the command have settled down , the endgame in Libya remains elusive as participating countries are divided on the goal of the mission .

  11. 韩剧《太阳的后裔》讲述了一位被赋予维和使命的上尉军官,被派到遥远的虚构国家执行使命,随后打败阴暗的亲信从而拯救了恋人的故事。

    Descendants of the Sun tells the story of an army captain sent on a peacekeeping mission to a distant fictional country , battling shady henchmen to save his love interest .

  12. 正是由于这种精神,才涌现出了一群爱国者,那时他们并不比你们大多少,却肩负了国家的使命,开始在这个我们称之为美国的国家试行民主。

    That 's the spirit that led a band of patriots , not much older than most of you , to take on an empire and to start this experiment in democracy we call America .

  13. 在DMZ,战士们除了肩负保护国家安全的使命,更被赋予一项特殊的任务&照顾冬季的动物。

    Along with keeping the nation safe , soldiers at DMZ are endowed with one more special task , feeding the animals in the harsh winter .

  14. 保障我们国家安全的使命没有终结。

    The cause of securing our country is not complete .

  15. 240年以来,我们国家对公民使命的召唤使得每一代人都有每一代人的工作和目标。

    For 240 years , our nation 's call to citizenship has given work and purpose to each new generation .

  16. 此外,世行依靠发达工业国的自愿捐助来完成在最不发达国家的基本使命。

    Moreover , the bank relies on voluntary contributions from the advanced industrial countries to carry out its essential missions in the least developed countries .

  17. 第一个法语联盟创建于1883年,负有在海外宣传法语及法语国家文化的使命。中国孔子学院的使命也是宣传汉语和中国传统文化。

    The first Alliance Francaise was set up in1883 and has been entrusted with the task of promoting the French language and culture abroad-a task identical with that of Confucius Institutes .

  18. 他说,否则美国以及其他北约国家对这一使命的耐心就会逐渐丧失。

    Otherwise , he said , patience in the United States and in other NATO countries for the mission could wear thin .

  19. 高校哲学社会科学工作者是繁荣发展我国哲学社会科学的重要力量,承担着党和国家赋予的崇高使命和神圣职责。

    The Philosophical social science worker in colleges and universities , a main force to promote Chinese philosophy social science , shoulders a high historical mission and a sacred duty the party and the people entrust .

  20. 清华大学校长陈吉宁说:学生们应该拥有独立的人格和梦想。学会用独立的人格去成就梦想,并完成国家所赋予的使命,这点至关重要。

    Students should have an independent character and a dream . Learning how to use that independent character to achieve their dream and finish tasks assigned by the country is very important , said Tsinghua University President Chen .

  21. 当代大学生肩负着21世纪国家建设的伟大使命,未来需要知识和能力全面发展的人才,培养应用型人才的发展目标越来越受到重视。

    Contemporary college students shoulder the great mission of nation-building of the 21st century , knowledge and abilities are all required in the future to comprehensive development of talents , the objectives of training applied talents are getting more and more attention .

  22. 维护国家安全是任何一个主权国家肩负的重要使命,是国家追求的最高战略目标。

    Defending national security is an important mission of any sovereign state , and it is the supreme strategy goal that a nation seeks .

  23. 它以国家名义提起公诉,并负责对特定主体犯罪的侦查,以维护国家利益为根本使命,与审判权相对应,实施监督法律的独立权种。

    Procuratorial organs take public prosecution in the state name and investigate the crime of a specific subject to maintain national interests and supervise the law enforcement .

  24. 现在,国家预算委员会却认为,安全防护的缺失可能会阻碍联邦调查局完成其保卫国家的使命。

    Now , the committee says that lapses in security may be an impediment preventing the bureau from accomplishing its mission of securing the country .