
  1. 伦敦还拥有众多的商业艺术画廊和中起着重要作用的国际艺术品市场。

    London also has numerous commercial art galleries and plays a major role in the international art market .

  2. 但是,这次演讲的重要性显示出,长期以来一直未能获得足够重视及正确估值的俄罗斯艺术品,最终正在国际艺术品市场获得真正的关注。

    But the prominence of his lecture showed how Russian art , long under - appreciated and under - valued , is finally gaining serious attention on the international art scene .

  3. 十年来,这些失窃艺术品都下落不明,人们认为,它们已经进入国际盗窃艺术品市场的污浊世界。

    For a decade , the whereabouts of the stolen works remained a mystery , and the assumption was that they had disappeared into the murky world of international art theft .

  4. 同时在国际国内艺术品市场的带动下,中国的油画市场目前已经成为中国艺术品市场中最具魅力,发展最为迅猛,最有投资价值的一个板块。

    At the same time , led by international and domestic art market , China oil painting market has become the most attractive , the fastest growing and the most valuable plate in China art market .