
  1. 美中贸易国家协调会建立的目的是为了使美国和PRC的商务关系的扩张得到促进和简易化。

    China Trade was established to promote and facilitate the expansion of commercial relations between the US and the PRC .

  2. 亚太经社会人力资源开发国家协调中心网;

    Escap network of national focal points for human resources development ;

  3. 不结盟国家协调局工作组

    Working Group of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Countries

  4. 综合青年政策和方案区域间、区域和国家协调问题协商会议

    Consultative Meeting on Interregional , Regional and National Coordination for Integrated Youth Policies and Programmes

  5. 国家协调委员会名录

    Directory of National Coordinating Committees

  6. 世界数据中心中国国家协调委员会

    Chinese National Committee for WDC

  7. 他说,今年到目前为止,政府已经向24个国家协调了18项贸易任务。

    He said so far this year , the government has coordinated 18 trade missions to 24 countries .

  8. 七国集团是发达国家协调国际短期经济政策的最主要机制。

    The Group of Seven is the main regime used by the developed nations to coordinate international short-term economic policies .

  9. 竞争法是国家协调经济运行的法律体现,是社会本位法而不是政府本位法或个人本位法。

    Competition law embodies that country just balances the economy and it is society-centered law rather than government-centered or individual-centered .

  10. 经济法是调整在国家协调和干预经济运行过程中所发生的经济关系的法律规范的总称。

    Economic law is general laws of economic relations in the country 's regulating in coordination and interposing economic move .

  11. 拉丁美洲和加勒比不结盟国家协调局部长级特别会议最后宣言;

    Final declaration of the extraordinary ministerial meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the movement of Non-Aligned Countries of Latin America and the caribbean ;

  12. 基于“三方性”原则的三方机制是现代市场经济国家协调劳资关系的基本机制。

    The tripartite mechanism based on the tripartition principle is a fundamental mechanism with which the modern market of an economic country coordinates labor-capital relations .

  13. 建立国家协调机构以制定和有效地执行人口政策和方案。

    To establish a national coordinating body , where it does not exist , for the formulation and effective implementation of population policies and programmes .

  14. 统筹城乡发展,是现阶段国家协调城乡关系的重要战略决策,具有重要的时代意义。

    Coordinating the development of urban and rural areas , is the important strategic policy about the relationship between them in China at the present .

  15. 本文将利用熵值法确定水利发展、国家协调发展综合评价函数的权重。

    The paper will apply the entropy value law to determine the weight about the development of water conservancy and national harmonious development in the comprehensive appraisal function .

  16. 国家协调机制和利益相关者将为生殖与性健康提供资金视为解决本国艾滋病毒传染问题的手段。

    Country coordinating mechanisms and national-level stakeholders see in funding for sexual and reproductive health a means to address the problem of HIV infection in their respective national settings .

  17. 萨科齐说,各国将与其他国家协调,共同处理危机。他们将要求欧盟监管人员在帮助公司方面保持弹性。

    Mr. Sarkozy said the countries will coordinate with other states in dealing with the crisis , and that they will demand EU regulators be flexible in aiding businesses .

  18. 目前有人倡议,在全球三十个左右的国家协调交割惯例,尽管它们各自的监管体制、银行和市场惯例以及现行后台惯例各不相同。

    There is an initiative afoot to harmonize settlement practices among some thirty different nations , each with different regulatory regimes , bank and market conventions , and different current back-office practices .

  19. 他说“我们必须与其他国家协调一致的步调以确保我们在美国的作为与其他国家的努力相互辉映”。

    We have got to do some coordination with other countries in order to assure that what we do here in the United States corresponds with strong efforts overseas , he said .

  20. 法律全球化是正在进行的世界经济、政治、文化全球化过程的法律表现,是一个主权国家协调行动、共同参与的积极进程。

    Law globalization is the legal expression of the undergoing process of globalization of the world economy , politics and culture . And it is a positive process that a sovereign state coordinates in action , and participates together .

  21. 照理说承包商消防员需要按国家野火协调集团(NationalWildfireCoordinatingGroup)制定的标准接受培训,但是这一标准的执行却得不到保证。

    And while contracted firefighters are expected to go through training outlined by the national wildfire coordinating group ( nwcg ) , the ability to enforce such standards is hotly contested .

  22. 1957年日本政府发表了首部《外交蓝皮书》,提出了著名的外交三原则:以联合国为中心(UN-Centric)、与西方国家保持协调、坚持亚洲一员。

    Japanese government issued its first Diplomacy Blueprint in 1957 , releasing the well-known three principles for Diplomacy : UN-Centric , coordinating with the West and the member of Asia .

  23. 关于阿拉伯国家间协调与合作的大马士革宣言;

    Damascus Declaration concerning coordination and cooperation between the Arab states ;

  24. 不结盟国家运动协调局部长级会议

    Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the Movement of Non-aligned Countries

  25. 非洲国家机构协调委员会

    Coordinating Committee of African National Institutions

  26. 东南亚国家联盟协调一致宣言

    Declaration of ASEAN Concord

  27. 不结盟国家集团协调委员会

    Declaration adopted on 12 September 1974 by the Coordinating Committee of the Group of Non - Aligned Countries

  28. 雷克先生预计,在未来10年里,一些国家将协调其对会计职业的监管。

    Mr Rake predicted that some countries would harmonise their oversight of the accounting profession in the next decade .

  29. 正是在这一点上,经济全球化严重损害了联邦制国家原有协调非均衡性发展的宪政安排。

    Based on it , the original constitutionalism arrangement of harmonizing non-balance development of federations seriously damaged by economy globalization .

  30. 英国高校科研质量管理的路径选择:从院校竞争走向国家整体协调

    The path selection of research quality management in HEIs in UK : from institutions ' competition to their coordination in the whole country