
  • 网络monetizing;Monetization;Monetize;monetisation;Monetise
  1. Excel在住房货币化分配工作中的应用

    Application of Excel in Housing Monetization Distribution

  2. 货币化、货币流通速度与产出&扩展的CIA约束与中国经验

    Monetization , Velocity and Output : Modified CIA Constraint and China 's Experience

  3. 至于具体的商业模式,胡佛的设想是,ProductHunt会通过相当直接的广告模式来实现货币化。

    As for the business model , Hoover imagines Product Hunt will monetize with a fairly straightforward advertising model .

  4. Twitter和其它科技公司一样,将一些软件和其它研发成本进行了货币化。

    Twitter , like other technology companies , capitalizes some of its software and other development costs .

  5. 谷歌和facebook等依赖用户数据货币化的企业将受到严重影响。

    Companies that depend on monetising user data , such as Google and Facebook , would be badly hit .

  6. 在客流量和人均旅游消费调查的基础上,采用TCM方法对秦岭北坡12个森林公园的游憩价值进行了货币化测算;

    On the basis of passenger flux and per-capita consumption investigation , amusement value of12 forest parks in the northern slope of Qinling Mountain was calculated by TCM method .

  7. 在“金钱不能买到什么”一书中,货币化是一个令哈佛大学政治哲学家MichaelSandel困扰的问题。

    Monetisation is what vexes Michael Sandel , a Harvard political philosopher , in " What Money Can 't Buy . "

  8. 二是基于环境经济理论的环境货币化估值的评价模式,以可持续经济福利指数(ISEW,IndexforSustainableEconomicWelfare)为代表;

    Second , the model based on the monetization of environment estimating value of environmental economic theory , taking the model " Index for Sustainable Economic Welfare ( ISEW )" as representative ;

  9. 对于Facebook来说,它能按照每个用户100美元的定价来将自己的用户货币化,因此为每个用户花30美元的收购就是划算的买卖。

    If Facebook can monetize its users in a way that justifies $ 100 / user , than paying $ 30 per user for an acquisition is a great deal .

  10. 所以,除了常规研发开支,Twitter从2011年初开始,在货币化软件和研发成本方面共计开支8700万美元。

    In addition to its regular R & D expenses , twitter spent another $ 87 million on Capitalized software and other development costs since the beginning of 2011 .

  11. 只要efsf的退出机制是可信的,这就不会造成不合法的债务货币化。

    This would not constitute an illegal monetisation of debt , as long as the endgame for the EFSF is credible .

  12. 基于薪酬管理之目的,运用AHP、BSC、模糊评价等方法针对高校教师价值进行非货币化的计量,对高校教师个体及整体绩效进行系统的评价。

    For the purpose of pay administration , the Paper estimates the teachers ' value and evaluates the individual and whole performance by using AHP , BSC and vague evaluation .

  13. 不能简单地用M2/GDP取代FIR,M2/GDP只能说明二者地协调发展程度,不能说明经济货币化程度。

    We can 't replace FIR with M2 / GDP simply , M2 / GDP only explains the coordinate development degree of the two indexes , can 't state the monetary degree of economy .

  14. 由此,中国的经济高货币化进程还将持续一段时期.直至资源资本化推动的M2增速低于GDP增速为止。

    Based on the up-mentioned points , the high monetization ratio of China will see a longer life until the growth rate of M2 which is driven by resources capitalization is lower than that of GDP .

  15. 与沃尔玛、eBay、达乐公司(DollarGeneral)和CVS连锁药店合作的TriadRetailMedia公司声称,通过帮助零售商把品牌广告整合到它们的网站,它已经成为全球首屈一指的零售商货币化机构。

    Triad Retail Media , which works with Wal-Mart , eBay , Dollar General and CVS , claims it is the # 1 retailer monetization agency in the world , by helping retailers integrate brand advertising into their sites .

  16. 与沃尔玛、eBay、达乐公司(DollarGeneral)和CVS连锁药店合作的TriadRetailMedia公司声称,通过帮助零售商把品牌广告整合到它们的网站,它已经成为全球首屈一指的“零售商货币化机构”。

    Triad Retail Media , which works with Wal-Mart , eBay , Dollar General and CVS , claims it is the \# 1 " retailer monetization agency " in the world , by helping retailers integrate brand advertising into their sites .

  17. 而在谷歌,在Facebook,以及其他许多公司,最开始考虑的却是消费者计划&什么样的产品会成为消费者认为是了不起的产品,然后才是货币化计划。

    And for Google , for Facebook , for lots of companies , it started with a consumer plan and what was going to be a great product for consumers , and monetization came later and not in a straight line .

  18. 根据法规,欧元体系,包括欧洲央行(ecb)和各国央行,不得把新的主权债务货币化(即购买)或批准透支工具。

    Under its statutes , the euro system , which includes the ECB and the national central banks , is not allowed to monetise ( that is , buy ) new sovereign debt or to grant overdraft facilities .

  19. 真实储蓄测度方法从本质上来说还是一种绿色GDP的变形,它最重要的工作是在现有GDP的基础上对资源损耗与环境污染损失进行货币化评估。这也是真实储蓄测度最大的难点。

    In instinct , the genuine saving method is a deformation of green GDP , the most important work is the monetary assessment of the loss of resource depletion and environmental pollution on the basis of the existing GDP , which is also the biggest difficulty about the genuine saving .

  20. Mckinnon(1973)指出,大多数欠发达国家被压制在远离最优货币化点的地方,使经济走上有效货币扩张路径的货币改革非常必要。

    As Mckinnon ( 1973 ) pointed out , most of the developing countries are depressed far from the optimal monetization point , which highlights the importance of monetary reform in helping economy on the effective monetary expansion path .

  21. 矿产资源开发利用对环境危害的货币化研究

    Study on value of environmental harm in utilization of mineral resources

  22. 人力资源会计非货币化信息披露初探

    Accountant 's non - monetary disclosure of information of human resources

  23. 财务风险是企业风险的货币化表现。

    Financial risk is the monetary manifestation of enterprise 's risk .

  24. 电子商务的未来&货币化趋势和成功经验。

    The future of e-commerce – monetarisation trends and best practice .

  25. 货币化生活视角与文学研究的双重性

    The Life Perspective in Monetization and the Duality of Literary Studies

  26. 透析职务消费货币化改革步履蹒跚的根源

    The Reason for Duty Expense Monetization Reform 's Slow Step

  27. 溢油事故造成的海湾生态系统服务损失的货币化评估

    Monetary Evaluation on losses of Gulf Ecosystem Services Caused by Oil Spill

  28. 两宋白银货币化研究

    A Study of the Monetization of Silver in Song Dynasty

  29. 职务消费货币化改革宜慎行

    On Cautious Implementation of Reform of the Post Consuming Monetization

  30. 货币化安置款的支付方式和期限;

    Way and deadline of payment of monetized resettlement money ;