
  • 网络stress test
  1. 美国银行压力测试结果尚未正式公布,这种不确定性严重拖累风险偏好情绪,致使美元在亚洲市场走强。

    The Usd was stronger in the Asian session , as uncertainty surrounding the US banks stress test weighed on risk appetite .

  2. 围绕美国银行压力测试结果所持有的担忧上周五有所释然,因为美国公布的压力测试方法得到市场的认可,未存异议,并且美联储也发表讲话称绝大多数银行“资本充裕”。

    Unease surrounding the US bank stress test was soothed slightly on Friday , as the methodology released proved uncontroversial and the Fed stated that most banks were " well capitalized " .

  3. 欧洲央行(ECB)即将进行的新一轮银行压力测试将促使银行执行更严格的政策。

    The new , looming , round of bank stress tests from the European Central Bank could prompt lenders to get tougher .

  4. 然而,在上月釜山的一个20国集团(G20)领导人会议之后,这些欧元区国家政府的态度出现了180度大转弯,终于点头同意公布银行压力测试结果。

    However , after a meeting of G20 leaders in Busan last month , those same eurozone governments performed a U-turn , by finally agreeing to publish the results of such tests .

  5. 未来几个月,另一轮银行压力测试即将启动。

    Another round of bank stress tests will be conducted in the months ahead .

  6. 该章在第三章所构建的商业银行压力测试模型基础上,对我国商业银行的信用风险和市场风险的压力测试做了实证分析。

    This chapter is based on the stress testing models which are built in chapter 3 .

  7. 定量宽松的货币政策和银行压力测试的顺利完成,缓解了市场的紧张情绪。

    Quantitative easing and the smooth completion of the stress tests for banks has eased tension .

  8. 欧元区的政策中不包含债务重组,即将到来的欧洲银行压力测试也回避这一问题。

    Eurozone policy excludes debt restructuring , and the forthcoming European bank stress tests duck the issue .

  9. 这种强劲的表现与上周相呼应当时市场对欧洲各银行压力测试的结果感到欢欣鼓舞。

    That echoed strong performances last week when markets welcomed the results of European bank stress tests .

  10. 欧洲银行压力测试结果发布后,交易活动在近几日略有回升。

    Trading activity picked up a little in recent days after the release of the European bank stress tests .

  11. 联邦储备系统公布了关于第二轮美国最大的银行压力测试的正式规定。

    The Federal Reserve issued its final rules for a second round of stress tests at America 's biggest banks .

  12. 伯南克还表示,他预期银行压力测试将有助于恢复对美国金融部门的信心。

    The Fed chief also said he expected the bank stress tests would help restore confidence in the US financial sector .

  13. 尽管细节值得商榷,但欧美商业银行压力测试的基本逻辑无可辩驳。

    Though their details deserve debate , the underlying logic of the US and European commercial bank stress tests is irrefutable .

  14. 去年欧洲银行压力测试中,爱尔兰银行全部过关,但随后确需要被国有化,这样的测试如何令人信服?

    How does one believe a test when last year 's version passed all the Irish banks , which subsequently needed to be nationalized ?

  15. 银行压力测试的负面想定,远未超过阅历或预期的范畴,只与均值水平相去不远。

    The adverse scenario of the bank stress tests , far from being outside the range of experience or expectation , is not far from the mean .

  16. 在欧洲准备公布银行压力测试结果之际,“威吓”各国政府的,不仅仅是债券市场的表现。

    As Europe prepares to publish the results of bank stress tests , it is not simply the behaviour of the bond market that is " intimidating " governments .

  17. 重要的是去年秋天为公共资金,贷款,金融系统贷款,以及今年春天银行压力测试注入的大量资金。

    More important was last autumn 's massive injection of public capital , loans and loan guarantees into the financial system , and this spring 's bank stress tests .

  18. 诚然,一旦金融监管和欧洲银行压力测试造成的不确定性逐渐消散,目前这段期还有可能被视为一个波谷。

    True , this period might yet be viewed as a trough once the uncertainty caused by financial regulation and European bank stress tests is out of the way .

  19. 欧洲不需要强迫债权人,就可以通过最终要求监管机构在进行银行压力测试时对主权债务按市价计值,来增强债务回购的激励。

    Without forcibly cramming down the creditors , Europe could improve the incentives for debt buy-backs by finally instructing regulators to mark sovereign debt to market in bank stress tests .

  20. 不过,鉴于其它多项因素也令投资者心神不安包括下周公布的美国各银行压力测试的结果为期两个月的市场反弹似乎正摇摇欲坠。

    But with plenty of other reasons for investor nervousness , including next week 's results of bank stress tests in the US , the two-month-old market rally was looking unsteady on its feet .

  21. 当欧洲上周五公布银行压力测试结果之际,很多人都对资金黑洞(以及谁来填补这个黑洞、或者谁来承担损失)感到苦恼不已。

    When the results of bank stress tests are released today in Europe , there will be a flurry of hand-wringing about the capital hole and who is going to plug it , or bear losses .

  22. 到目前为止的典型对策,包括清理资产负债表,强行向金融体系注资,并辅以银行压力测试,以使公众相信,金融体系如今又是可信的。

    The by-now canonical response consists of cleaning up balance sheets and forced injection of capital into the banking system , supported by stress tests , to convince the public that the financial system is again creditworthy .

  23. 同意发布欧盟(eu)银行“压力测试”结果,将标志着德国政府的一大政策转变。

    An agreement to publish bank " stress tests " across the European Union would mark a significant policy U-turn by Berlin .

  24. 这是国际货币基金组织(IMF)本周呼吁欧洲对单个银行实施压力测试的主要原因。

    That is the main reason why the International Monetary Fund this week called on Europe to conduct stress tests on individual banks .

  25. 据国际货币基金组织(imf)表示,欧洲必须使其银行“压力测试”更透明,并扩展至更多机构,以提高这些测试的可信度。

    Europe must make its bank " stress tests " more transparent and extend them across more institutions to enhance their credibility , according to the International Monetary Fund .

  26. 汇丰控股有限公司(HSBCHoldings)的董事长范智廉(DouglasFlint)指出,当监管机构上次对各大银行进行压力测试时,没有任何人考虑到油价为每桶50美元的情景。

    Douglas Flint , chairman of HSBC Holdings , noted that when regulators tested the resiliency of banks this year , none considered situations in which oil was $ 50 a barrel .

  27. 美国银行业压力测试最新实践的经验与启示

    The Experience and Revelation of the Latest US Banking Stress Test

  28. 欧洲央行将对银行进行压力测试。

    The ECB would stress test the banks .

  29. 我不认为银行的压力测试必定会进一步削弱信心。

    I don 't think the bank stress tests will necessarily undermine confidence further .

  30. 对银行的压力测试成功吗?

    Were the bank stress tests successful ?