
  • 网络Galaxy Empire;ogame;o-game;the Galactic Empire
  1. 死亡星太空站是银河帝国制造的摧毁性武器。

    This is a devastating weapon created by the evil Galactic Empire .

  2. 茹法安·提格利努斯曾是帝国元帅之一,后来担任银河帝国高级星区总督一职直至其死于雅汶之战结束5年之后。

    Rufaan Tigellinus was a Grand Admiral and later a Grand Moff of the Galactic Empire until his death in5 ABY .

  3. 以乔治·卢卡斯的星球大战Ⅱ:帝国反击战为例,当看到银河帝国的军队服装样式时,很容易把他们错当成第三帝国军。

    Take George Lucas 's The Empire Strikes Back , for example . The Galactic Empire in their military-style getups could easily be mistaken for being Third Reich .

  4. 共和国将重组为第一个银河系帝国。

    The Republic will be reorganized into the first galactic empire .

  5. 新系列的故事发生在《星战》系列《西斯的复仇》与《新希望》时间线之间,讲述一队下层反叛军试图反抗占领银河的“银河帝国”铁血统治的故事。

    The new series takes place in the Star Wars timeline between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope , and follows a ragtag group of rebels who are figuring out how to stand up against the monolithic power of the Empire , which has just taken control of the galaxy .

  6. 银河系共和国完蛋后,许多v翼中队仅仅被重新装饰和分配,就变成了银河帝国的最初的星际战斗机。

    After the demise of the Galactic republic , many of the V-wing squadrons were simply redecorated and reassigned to become some of the first starfighters of the Galactic empire .