
  • 网络Amazing Stories;Astounding Stories;Astounding;Astonishing stories;Wonder Stories
  1. 他称,个人飞行器首先出现在1928年的一本名为”惊奇故事“的漫画书中,内容介绍了英雄BuckRogers用飞行器在空中翱翔。

    He says the jet pack first appeared in1928 in an Amazing Stories comic book , which featured the hero Buck Rogers zooming though the sky in a jet pack .

  2. 他在1926年创刊《惊奇故事》,很有资格宣称这是第一份完全出版他所谓的“科学幻想”小说的杂志。

    Amazing stories , which he founded in 1926 , has a fair claim to being the first magazine dedicated solely to what he called " Scientifiction " .

  3. 令人惊奇的是这些故事结局都那么相似。

    It 's amazing how minor those secrets all end up seeming .