
  • 网络scream
  1. 画中的影像还被复制在各种东西上面,如装冰激凌的盒子,又比如克雷文(WesCraven)《惊声尖叫》(Scream)系列恐怖片中那位反面角色所戴的面具。

    The image has also been reproduced on everything from ice-cream containers to the villain 's mask in Wes Craven 's ' Scream ' horror films .

  2. 麦高恩之前出演过电影《惊声尖叫》,她提议参加金球奖的女士不要穿Marchesa牌子的礼服,这个牌子是由韦恩斯坦已经分居但未离婚的妻子建立的时尚品牌,而全部穿黑色的衣服以此来抗议韦恩斯坦的行为不端。

    The Scream actress also slammed a proposed plan to protest sexual misconduct in Hollywood by wearing black to the Golden Globes , sarcastically suggesting the women instead wear dresses by Marchesa , the fashion label founded by Weinstein 's estranged wife , Georgina Chapman .

  3. 我转回身来,哇!那个影子正在我的前面,而且比刚才近了很多,我不由自主地惊声尖叫起来。

    I couldn 't help myself , I screamed petrifying3 as the same figure was in front of me , only a lot , lot closer .

  4. 24岁的克里斯汀还还原过很多其他著名影视场景,比如经典恐怖电影《惊声尖叫》,漫画电影《X战警》甚至还有荧幕经典如《大白鲨》。

    Other transformations even see the 24-year-old take on famous film scenes , such as the iconic horror film Scream , comic book flick X-Men and even screen greats such as Jaws .

  5. 真正改变规则的电影是1996年的《惊声尖叫》(Scream),里面有一个掌控全局的“最后的女孩”,她知道身为“最后的女孩”意味着什么。

    A game changer arrived in 1996 , when the winking " Scream " featured an in-control final girl who knew what a final girl was .

  6. 杰克看到鬼的时候惊声尖叫。

    Jack screamed when he saw the ghost .

  7. 他们结婚有11年之久,在93年拍摄影片《惊声尖叫1》中认识。

    They have been married for 11 years and met while filming Scream in 1993 .

  8. 像在电影惊声尖叫里。

    Like from that movie scream .

  9. 如果你忽视了这个低声的告诫,过不了多久你就会得到一个惊声尖叫,

    And if you ignore the whisper , sooner or later you 'll get a scream .

  10. 考克斯和阿奎特将会在4月上映的《惊声尖叫4》中齐齐出现。

    Cox and Arquette will share the screen in Scream 4 , which hits theaters in April .

  11. 这些银行家们并没有惊声尖叫,让人松一口气的是监管的不确定性现在减小了。

    That these bankers have not squealed louder partly reflects relief that regulatory uncertainty should now diminish .

  12. 为网络惊声尖叫

    Screaming for the INTERNET

  13. 在最右端,一位妇女从一栋着火的大楼掉下,惊声尖叫。

    On the far right , a woman screams as she falls through the floor of a burning building .

  14. 如果你忽视了这个低声的告诫,过不了多久你就会得到一个惊声尖叫,无论你怎样反抗。

    And if you ignore the whisper , sooner or later you 'll get a scream . Whatever you resist persists .

  15. 此时他一定是不小心发出了什么声音,只见她突然睁开眼睛,视线直直地盯着他,然后惊声尖叫起来。

    He must have made a noise . Suddenly her eyes opened , and she was staring right at him . She screamed .

  16. 我们都知道美国的有许多著名的恐怖片,像《电锯惊魂》、《寂静岭》、《惊声尖叫》等等。你知道这些电影吗?

    We all know that America has many famous horror movies : Saw 、 Silent Hill , Scream , etc. Have you seen them ?

  17. 在1995年的音乐电视电影颁奖典礼上,杰克逊拥抱妹妹珍妮特。他们合作的《惊声尖叫》获得了“最佳舞蹈音乐录像带”的奖项。

    Jackson hugged his sister Janet after they won the " Best Dance Video " award for their duet Scream at the1995 MTV Movie Awards .

  18. 那个影子正在我的前面,而且比刚才近了很多,我不由自主地惊声尖叫起来。

    I couldn 't help myself , I screamed petrifying as the same figure was in front of me , only a lot , lot closer .

  19. 还没等他坐下,灰泥又落在他的肩上,这次他已经是惊声尖叫了:“牧师,我捐10000元。”

    Before he could sit back down , plaster fell on him again , this time he virtually screamed , " Pastor , I will double my last pledge . "

  20. 随着手套竞价步步飙升,现场粉丝惊声尖叫,这一幕与这位已故流行巨星环球巡演时的场面如出一辙。

    As the price of the glove soared , fans roared and squealed & echoing the kind of frenzy that accompanied the late pop star when he toured the world .

  21. 旁白:这是黎明将至的紫藤郡,你再也听不到围观者的惊声尖叫,抗议者的怒吼,或是受伤者的呼唤。

    Voice-over : It was just before sunrise on Winsteria Lane . You could no longer hear the screams of frighted by standers , or the angry chanting of protesters , or the cries for help from the injured .

  22. 不过我们也拿傻气又肤浅的事情来开玩笑,让陌生人相信我们是在露天游乐场玩碰碰车发生意外而相识的。我们在看到食物还在餐盘上扭动的时候,往后一缩,假装惊声尖叫。

    But we also joked about things both silly and shallow , managing to convince strangers that we had met in a fairground bumper-car accident , and recoiling in mock fright from a meal that was still wiggling on our plates .