
  • 网络Friday the 13th;Friday the Thirteenth;Freaky Friday
  1. 对某些人来说,十三号星期五可不是一般的日子。

    For some people , Friday the13th is no typical day .

  2. 不过说到底,最普遍流传的还是十三号星期五。

    In the end , though , Friday the13th is the most common .

  3. 相信此事为真的人,都会试著在十三号星期五这天小心谨慎。

    People who believe this is true try to be careful on Friday the13th .

  4. 你看这“十三号星期五”那部片子吗?那部片子好恶心!

    Have you seen that movie " Friday the13th "? It 's so sick !

  5. 十三号星期五之所以被视为一个不幸的日子,似乎有两个主因。

    There seem to be two main reasons why Friday the13th is regarded as an unlucky day .

  6. 这对并肩而行边说边笑的情侣,范·罗森(左)和她的未婚夫乔什·摩登(右)决定邀请《十三号星期五》中的杀人狂魔杰森在他们的订婚纪念照中客串。

    The couple that jokes together , stays together : Van Lawson , left , and her fiance Josh Morden , right , decided to include Friday the 13th killer Jason Vorhees in their engagement photo shoot .

  7. 还有一些人仍然迷信十三号与星期五重合的那天是很不吉利的一天。

    Friday the13th an unlucky day .

  8. 今天是十三号,星期五。

    It 's Friday the13th today .