
  1. 同时,可口可乐上月宣布将重新推出34年前的NewCoke,作为与《怪奇物语》联动的环节。

    Meanwhile , Coca-Cola announced last month it was bringing back New Coke after 34 years as part of a tie-in with " Stranger Things . "

  2. 《怪奇物语》第三季的首支预告片中解锁了一个全新的地点:StarcourtMall。

    The first trailer for Stranger Things Season 3 features one brand new location : the Starcourt Mall .

  3. 这位《怪奇物语》的演员,把印有Logo的黑色T-恤塞进了黑色的牛仔裤,还配了一件黑色的夹克衫。

    The Stranger Things star tucked her black UNICEF tee into matching black jeans and also donned a black jacket .

  4. 《怪奇物语》第三季再次由Matt和RossDuffer导演。

    Stranger Things season 3 once again comes from creators Matt and Ross Duffer .

  5. 汉堡王希望能把Netflix《怪奇物语》的粉丝吸引到“颠倒汉堡”中。

    Burger King is hoping to pull fans of the Netflix series " Stranger Things " into the Upside Down .

  6. 汉堡王不是唯一一家与Netflix合作宣传《怪奇物语3》的食品连锁店。

    Burger King isn 't the only food chain teaming up with Netflix to promote " Stranger Things 3 . "

  7. 这家连锁店和可口可乐合作,用汉堡王APP举办一场比赛,胜利者能获得特殊奖品:从食物到《怪奇物语》VIP体验。

    The chain is partnering with Coke on a contest involving the Burger King app where winners can earn special prizes from food to a Stranger Things VIP Experience .

  8. 2017年4月,爱奇艺与Netflix签署了一项授权协议,以播出美国提供商的部分原创内容,包括《怪奇物语》和《黑镜》。

    In April 2017 , iQiyi signed a licensing agreement with Netflix to steam some of the US provider 's original content including Stranger Things and Black Mirror .

  9. 粉丝们最喜欢的装扮是《反斗智多星》里的“加斯”、碧昂斯、《星球大战》里的“汉·索洛”和Netflix公司暑期巨制《怪奇物语》中的“十一”。

    Fan favorites include Garth from " Wayne 's World , " Beyonce , Han Solo from " Star Wars , " and Eleven from the Netflix summer hit " Stranger Things . "

  10. 新可口可乐是那些经常被用作市场营销失败案例研究的产品失败案例之一,但可口可乐希望通过与Netflix大热剧集《怪奇物语》的交叉推广扭转这一局面。

    New Coke is one of those product flops that often is used as a case study on marketing failures , but Coca-Cola is hoping to turn that around in a cross-promotion with Netflix 's hit show " Stranger Things . "

  11. 作为宣传活动的一部分,《怪奇物语》的创作者和制片人马特·达菲(MattDuffer)和罗斯·达菲(RossDuffer)兄弟还导演了一则广告,片中人物在一家电影院喝着新可乐。

    As part of the promotion , the creators and showrunners of " Stranger Things , " brothers Matt and Ross Duffer , also directed an ad that features the show 's characters enjoying New Coke at a movie theater .

  12. 《怪奇物语》的粉丝们还得多等等才能再次看到逆世界,不过虽然第三季依旧让我们等得很焦急,我们现在实际上已经知道Netflix这部超自然热播剧的一些情报了,下面就来盘点一下:

    It 'll be awhile before Stranger Things fans can return to the Upside Down , but while we 're all anxiously waiting for Season 3 to premiere , here 's a rundown of what we know is coming up on Netflix 's supernatural hit :

  13. 《怪奇物语》的粉丝们还需要再等等才能等到颠倒模式,不过虽然我们等《怪奇物语》第三季开播等的很焦急了,我们知道了一些这部Netflix超自然热播剧第三季的资讯了,下面是我们的盘点:

    It 'll be a while before Stranger Things fans can return to the Upside Down , but while we 're all anxiously waiting for Season 3 to premiere , here 's a rundown of what we know is coming up in Season 3 of Netflix 's supernatural hit :

  14. 据报道,维多利亚、大卫.贝克汉姆16岁的儿子罗密欧,正在同怪奇物语女星米莉?鲍比?布朗约会。

    Victoria and David Beckham 's 16-year-old son Romeo is reportedly dating Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown .

  15. 《怪奇物语》主演薇诺娜·瑞德,大卫·哈伯以及米莉·博比·布朗,每集片酬均为35万美元。

    Winona Ryder , David Harbour and Millie Bobby Brown lead the Stranger Things charge with $ 350000 .

  16. 奈飞终于宣布了《怪奇物语》第三季的上映日期,以此来庆祝新年。

    Netflix is celebrating the New Year by finally revealing the release date for Stranger Things season three .

  17. 如果以上这些都不对你的胃口,你还可以看新一季的《怪奇物语》。

    If none of that whets your whistle , there 's always a new season of " Stranger Things . "

  18. 可口可乐和《怪奇物语》认为,我们可以对很多东西产生怀旧之情,甚至是新可乐

    Coca-Cola and ' Stranger Things ' think we can get nostalgic for a lot of things , even New Coke

  19. 《怪奇物语》第三季早在2017年12月就续订了,并于2018年4月开拍。

    Stranger Things was renewed for Season 3 way back in December 2017 , and production kicked off in April 2018 .

  20. 这个汉堡的原料与标准皇堡相同,只是上下颠倒地放在《怪奇物语》主题餐盒里。

    The sandwich features the same ingredients as the standard Whopper , only it 's served upside down inside a custom " Stranger Things " themed box .

  21. 《怪奇物语》的第三季将会缩减回原本的篇幅,这一季只会有8集,而不是像第二季一样有9集。

    Stranger Things ' third season will slim back down to original size , as the new season will consist of eight episodes from Season 2 's nine .

  22. 不管每个演员收入在何水平,尤其考虑到他们在《怪奇物语》中的突出表现,这样的收入已经不菲。

    Regardless of which tier everyone falls in , these are some awesome salaries , especially considering how many of these actors got their breakout role in Stranger Things .

  23. 今年夏天,一款受《怪奇物语》启发的新型可乐贩卖机也将在部分城市出现,并于本周四在纽约启动。

    A " Stranger Things " - inspired vending machine that dispenses New Coke will also pop up in select cities this summer , kicking off Thursday in New York .

  24. 当被问及怪奇物语中“十一”这一角色之后将面临的未来时,她开玩笑地说:“我不知道,也许会跟罗密欧?贝克汉姆有关吧。”

    When she was asked about what the future holds for her Stranger Things character Eleven , she joked : " I don 't know . Something with Romeo Beckham .

  25. 这些门店也会提供限量版《怪奇物语》联名T恤、皇冠、番茄酱包以及别针。《怪奇物语》第三季在7月4日开播。

    The restaurants will also offer limited edition T-shirts , crowns , ketchup packets and pins inspired by the TV series , which kicks off its third season on July 4 .

  26. 《怪奇物语》的第三季早在2017年的12月就续订了,并且已经在2018年的4月开拍了,只不过新的一季得到2019年的夏天才能开播。

    Stranger Things was renewed for Season 3 way back in December 2017 , and production kicked off back in April 2018 , but the new season isn 't expected to drop until the summer of 2019 .

  27. 网飞公司旗下的《怪奇物语》的主演们在正式签署第三季的拍摄合约之前,经过一轮激烈的片酬协商。

    According toThe Hollywood Reporter , the stars of Netflix 's Stranger Things went through an intense renegotiation of their contracts before signing on for Season 3 of the hit streaming show , and it was a lucrative deal for everyone involved .

  28. 我们都有过这种经历:你听着无聊的工作会议或展示,而你的大脑一直在神游--中午吃什么、周末怎么安排、或者新一季的《怪奇物语》会发生什么。

    We 've all been there : You 're at a dull work meeting or presentation , and your mind keeps wandering-to what to eat for lunch , your weekend plans , or what 's going on with the new season of Stranger Things .