
  • 网络Strange head;Mascaron
  1. 的确,它看起来完全就是一个膨胀的垃圾袋,以致于很多人都未注意到破袋怪头上其实还有一对兔耳朵。

    Due to the fact its body looks almost identical to a bulging garbage bag , many people fail to notice that Trubbish has what appear to be a pair of bunny ears on its head .

  2. 什么事儿都怪在我们头上。

    We get blamed for all kinds of things .

  3. 这也不能怪他,头一回做嘛。

    He 's not to blame . After all , it was the first time he 'd done it .

  4. 他把tess的事都怪到我头上。

    He 's blaming me for tess .

  5. 我所有的罪过都可以怪到你头上。

    Anything I 've done can be laid at your feet .

  6. 真是烦死我了,大家每次都怪到我头上来。

    I 'm tired of people always laying the blame on me .

  7. 然后,纳乔就要怪到我头上

    And when that happens , Nacho blames me ,

  8. 不过你也可以怪到我头上。

    But you might as well blame me .

  9. 我就知道你要怪到我头上。

    I guess I 'm partially to blame .

  10. 什么事都是怪到我头上。

    I get blamed for everything else .

  11. 别把这事怪到自己头上,好吗?

    Lightman : Hey . Don 't beat yourself up over this , all right ?

  12. 不要什么是都怪到我头上来。

    Don 't blame me for everything .

  13. 他们需要怪到某人头上。

    They need to blame someone .

  14. 或是自己的生活不顺,却非得怪在别人头上

    or because things just suck and it 's got to be someone else 's fault .

  15. 我不敢相信她竟然这么无耻,可以把她自己的错误怪到我头上。

    2I couldn 't believe that she had the audacity to blame me for her own mistakes .

  16. 莫雷的团队有数百人,人人都有可能把失败怪到西蒙头上。

    Murray has hundreds on his team , all of whom could blame simon for the defeat .

  17. 他对自己工作不满,却大大怪在太太头上。

    Having been dissatisfied with his job , he started laying an enormous guilt trip on his wife .

  18. 要知道,一旦它发现了任何错误,它就会怪到我头上,尽管我连它的磁盘在何方都不甚了了。

    You just know that if it finds any errors , it 's going to blame me , even though I don 't even knowswheresits disks ARE .

  19. 如果婚前协议的想法没有得到良好反馈,就把责任怪到别人头上:你的父母,或者,如果你有律师或业务经理人的话,也可以推到他们这些顾问身上。

    If the idea of a prenup does not go over well , blame someone else : your parents or , if you have lawyers and business managers , your advisers .

  20. 工作机会少常常会怪到少数民族头上。

    Ethnic minorities are continually scapegoated for the lack of jobs .

  21. 你又来了,把什么事都怪你你父母头上。

    B : There you go again , blaming your parents for ever .

  22. 他会把这一切怪在我妈妈头上我知道

    He 's gonna blame all of this on my mom . I know it .

  23. 不用说啦,安尼克斯特把这耽搁全怪在铁路公司头上。

    Naturally enough , Annixter placed all the blame of the delay upon the railway .

  24. 等等,这好像不对劲吧,自己找不到东西,能怪到我的头上吗?

    If I still can 't find the book , I am going to blame on you .

  25. 当事情不能进展顺利时,那么你将不再热爱你为你所规划的生活,你很容易把它的结果怪到他人的头上。

    When things do not then proceed well , or you are not loving the life that has been planned and decided for you , it would be all too easy to put the blame on them and others .

  26. 计划生育政策历来饱受指责,从婚龄女性不足到儿童肥胖症流行,件件都可以怪到计划生育头上。但如果从中国的一档电视节目判断,这项政策更大的隐患在于创造了懦弱的一代人。

    The one-child policy has been blamed for everything from a shortage of brides to an epidemic of childhood obesity - but , to judge from Chinese television , the bigger worry is that it has created a generation of wimps .

  27. 要怪就尽量怪到我头上来吧,只要事情能办成。

    Then let it be on my head , so long as it is done .