
  • 网络A Nightmare on Elm Street
  1. 把时间拨回1984年,《猛鬼街》(ANightmareonElmStreet)中推出了一个先发制人的“最后的女孩”,她在家乡设下陷阱,追捕变态弗瑞迪·克鲁格(FreddyKrueger)。

    Fast forward to 1984 , when " A Nightmare on Elm Street " introduced a proactive final girl who booby-trapped her home to catch Freddy Krueger .

  2. 《猛鬼街》(NightmareonElmStreet)系列等影片的导演兼编剧韦斯?克雷文(WesCraven)说:就像一个被讲得太多的冷笑话,你不希望自己成为讲这个笑话的人。

    ' It 's like a bad joke that 's been around too long . You don 't want to be the one to tell it , ' says Wes Craven , the director-writer behind the ' Nightmare on Elm Street ' series among others .

  3. 《猛鬼街》:118卡路里

    A Nightmare on Elm Street : 118 calories 7 .

  4. 虽然有谣言称《1984》是上一季的续集,但似乎这一部会致敬80年代的杀人狂电影,比如《13号星期五》和《猛鬼街》。

    Despite rumors that 1984 would be a sequel to last season , Apocalypse , it appears as though the installment will pay tribute to ' 80s slasher movies , such as Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street .