
  1. 十七年电影(1949&1966年)是中国电影发展史上一个重要的历史时期。

    " 17 year movie " is an important historical period in the Chinese movie history .

  2. 本文认为,十七年电影创作基本是在一种预设的意识形态和艺术规范框架中进行的。

    This author believes that 17-year films were basically produced against an ideological and artistic criterion that had been determined .

  3. 总之,十七年电影艺术创作实际取得的美学成就,还远远没有达到它所可能达到的高度。

    In a word , what the 17-year films achieved in terms of aesthetic value is far away from what they could have .

  4. 本文主要研究十七年文学电影改编策略。

    This paper studies the film adaptation strategies of Seventeen-year literature .

  5. 纯真年代里的红色类型片重读十七年抗战电影本土化叙事的智慧十七年军旅题材类型片创作的启示

    " Red Genre " in the Age of Innocence The Wisdom of the Local Movie Narration

  6. 对这一时期中国大陆范围内的电影创作与相关的历史现象,人们习惯地称之为十七年中国电影。

    What is related to film making activities in this period is customarily called Chinese films of 17 years .

  7. 到了当代文学中,特别是十七年反特电影,却出现了很多类似的美人计。这些美人计,多出现在战争中。

    In modern literatures , especially the 17-anti-espionage films have appeared many similar sex-traps , which always appeared in the war .

  8. 主体规训与媒介选择:十七年时期电影与农民关系辩证

    Subject Regulation and Media Choosing : a Dialectic Survey of the Relationship between Chinese Movies and Chinese Peasants during the Seventeen year period

  9. 作为一个特殊的历史时段的映照,新中国十七年时期电影是当时许多社会问题的集中纠结点之一。这一特殊时段中电影与农民的关系呈现出其多义性与丰富性。

    As a manifestation of the special period , the movies in Seventeen year period is a focus point of many social problems , including the complex and ambiguous relationship between movies and peasants .

  10. 本文以正读和误读为切入点,力图对十七年小说电影改编作一整体性的研究。

    This article take " is reading " and " the misregistration " as a breakthrough point , tries hard " for 17 years " the novel movie to reorganize rightly does an integrity research .

  11. 第四章是十七年喜剧电影的影响和局限,十七年喜剧电影的创作经验和模式对当代主旋律电影创作的影响,以及歌颂性喜剧创作上的审美局限性分析。

    The fourth chapter is " 17-year " and limits the impact of the film comedy , " 17-year " comedy experience and mode of creative film-making on the impact of the contemporary theme , and the praise of the comedy creation of aesthetic limitations .

  12. 早春西葫芦高产高效规范化栽培技术十七年&中国电影音乐的早春

    High-yield Culture Practice for Summer Squash in Early Spring " Early Spring " for Chinese Film Music : 1949 ~ 1966

  13. 本文的目的,就在于对十七年时期中国电影艺术的历史发展状况进行宏观的描述和系统的分析,力求在一更宽阔的时代背景上来认识十七年电影的有关问题。

    This paper is an attempt to analyze the historical developments related to Chinese film making during this period for the purpose of appreciating the films of 17 years against a wider historical background .

  14. 十七年少数民族题材电影中的女性形象

    Women Images in Films on Minorities in the Past 17 Years

  15. 本文主要研究十七年时期中国反特电影的类型特征。十七年时期中国反特电影的类型特征主要由两个方面相互制约而成:一是影片的题材,二是影片的艺术。

    This dissertation aims to study the genre features of the Chinese anti-spy film in the " Seventeen Years " Period , during which two major components interact each other : one is the theme of the film and the other is the film art .