
  • 网络Hundred thousandth
  1. Marka博士预测,如果蚊子穿过一道光幕的概率6%,那么对一所安装了四道光幕的茅草屋来说,蚊子能传播疟疾的概率仅为十万分之一。

    Dr Marka calculates that if there is a6 % chance that a mosquito will penetrate a light curtain , and a hut contains four curtains , then only one in100,000 mosquitoes will be able to spread malaria .

  2. 这是十万分之一的几率啊

    I mean , it 's one of 100000 .

  3. 砍掉这一项目将为国债削减约十万分之一。

    slashing that program would immediately reduce the national debt by about one one-thousandth of a percent .

  4. 自然揭示给我们的,我们还不知道其十万分之一。

    We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us .

  5. 委员会称此次检测到的碘-131辐射量小于天然本底辐射剂量的十万分之一,不会对公众造成伤害。

    The committee said the detected levels of radioactive iodine - 131 were below one-hundred-thousandth of natural background radiation and not considered harmful .

  6. 提出了采用微波谐振腔微扰法连续测量汽轮机油含水率的方法,设计了可分辨出汽轮机油中十万分之一的含水率。

    This paper presented a method of on-line measurement of the water content in the turbine oil based on microwave resonant cavity perturbation .

  7. 艾比得了一种非常罕见的先天性不对称身材矮小性发育异综合徵,又称原始侏儒症,发病率只有十万分之一。

    She suffers from a very rare genetic condition called Russell-Silver syndrome , a form of primordial dwarfism which affects only one in100,000 babies .

  8. 委员会在一份声明中说,因为是平均水平的十万分之一以下,不需要做保护措施。

    The committee said in a statement that no protective measures are needed as levels of the material are below one-hundred-thousandth of the average level .

  9. 艾比得了一种非常罕见的先天性不对称身材矮小性发育异综合征,又称原始侏儒症,发病率只有十万分之一。

    She suffers from a very rare genetic condition called Russell-Silver syndrome , a form of primordial dwarfism which affects only one in 100000 babies .

  10. 平缓衰减区中的平均电子密度约为中性分子密度的十万分之一,并且可以覆盖较大范围。

    The average electron density in linear attenuation zone is about 10 ~ ( - 5 ) of neutral particle density , and can overcast wider area .

  11. 但据加州拉荷亚索尔克研究所的生物学家吴军(音译)说,胚胎中只有大约十万分之一的细胞是人类细胞。

    But according to Jun Wu , a biologist at the Salk Institute in La Jolla , California , only about 1 in 100000 cells in the fetuses were human .

  12. 从工业混合机工程手册上的数字来看,我估计剧烈搅拌一杯茶增加热能的速率约为十万分之一瓦。

    Based on figures from industrial mixer engineering reports , I estimate that vigorously stirring a cup of tea adds heat at a rate of about a ten-millionth of a watt .

  13. 十万分之一分析天平测湿重,用阿基米德原理测体积后沿胫骨粗隆处纵行切成两半,左半用于测量干体积,称量干重;

    Lac part analytical balance was adopted to measure the wet weight of the planted bones , and the planted bones were cut into left and right halves following the tuberosity of tibia after the wet volume of the planted bones was measure by Archimedes theory .

  14. 而有十万万亿分之一的几率在同一时刻这两个无聊鬼正好互相打给对方。

    And there 's about a 1 in 10000000000000 chance that two of them will simultaneously call each other .

  15. 这意味着你有十万万亿分之一的几率打给一个30秒前刚被闪电劈死的倒霉蛋。

    That means there 's only a 1 in 10000000000000 chance that you 'll call someone in the 30 seconds after they 've been struck and killed .