
  • 网络Bodyguards and Assassins;Bodyguards & Assassins
  1. 幸运的是,《十月围城》来得正是时候。

    Fortunately , Bodyguards and Assassins has come at the right time .

  2. 《十月围城》获得八个奖项,包括最佳影片奖,该片导演陈德林获得最佳导演奖。

    ' Bodyguards and Assassins ' which combines historical drama and martial-arts spectacle won eight awards , including best film and best director for Teddy Chen .

  3. 参演《十月围城》的谢霆锋(NicholasTse)还摘得最佳男配角奖。

    ' Bodyguards and Assassins'also picked up an award for Hong Kong 's Nicholas Tse in the best supporting actor category .

  4. 无论阿凡达的剧情是多么俗套,至少它的结局是好的,不似十月围城。

    No matter Afanda 's gut is how convention , at least its ending is good , do not seem October encircle a city .

  5. 《十月围城》就不错,虽然我一直很纳闷,为什么孙中山就不能改签,非要那天到。

    For example , Bodyguards and Assassins is not bad though I was wondering why can 't Sun Yat-sen change another day but must be that day .

  6. 中国男演员王学圻因在《十月围城》中的出色表演荣获最佳男主角奖。这部由香港导演陈可辛监制、拥有全明星演员阵容的大片将历史事件与眩目的功夫融合在一起。

    Chinese actor Wang Xueqi was awarded best actor for his role in ' Bodyguards and Assassins , ' Hong Kong director Peter Chan 's all-star blockbuster that combines historical drama with martial-arts spectacle .

  7. 但是,与无法让观众关注剧情的《建国大业》相比,《十月围城》更强调剧情本身。因此,该剧避免了只展出明星这一束缚。

    But in contrast to The Founding of a Republic , which easily distracted the audience all the way through , Bodyguards and Assassins focuses on the story , thereby avoiding the straightjacket of having only the stars on display .