
  • 网络bank teller
  1. 这个场景主要在Ajax和PHP环境中实现几个常用的银行出纳功能。

    This scenario highlights the implementation of a few of the commonly used bank teller functions implemented in an Ajax and PHP environment .

  2. 银行出纳平均每年会丢大约250美元。

    The average bank teller loses about $ 250 every year .

  3. CTB银行出纳专用微机

    Model CTB Specific Micro-computer for Bank Cashiers

  4. 史迪威的角色就像银行出纳一样。

    Stilwell would be like a cashier at a bank .

  5. 银行出纳将数字调高到最近的整数。

    The bank cashier rounded up the figures to the nearest pound .

  6. 示例:旅行代理工作站,银行出纳工作站,前端办公室工作站。

    Examples : Travel agency workstations , bank teller workstations , front office workstations .

  7. 银行出纳:你能证明你自己吗?

    Bank teller : can you identify yourself ?

  8. 她是银行出纳。

    She is a bank teller .

  9. 我一完成培训,就将成为一名银行出纳。

    As soon as I complete my training , I 'm going to be a bank teller .

  10. 数据库访问的类型(比如读或写)将根据银行出纳功能的性质决定。

    The type of database access , such as read or write , will be determined based on the nature of the bank teller function .

  11. IT系统的用户(如银行出纳)经常知道业务模型中的粗粒度服务。

    Often , a user of the IT system ( such as a bank teller ) is aware of the coarse-grained services in the business model .

  12. 通过以这种方式提供核心的银行出纳功能,就可以向这些功能的所有调用者提供以一致的方式包装的数据库结果。

    By exposing the core bank teller functions this way , you can package database results in a common way for all the callers of these functions .

  13. 如果你很想让自己的日子过的轻松点,有没有想过换个工作,去当银行出纳、保险审核员或是园林设计师?

    If you yearn to make your juggle easier , have you considered switching to a career as a bank teller ? Or an insurance examiner or a landscaper , perhaps ?

  14. 67年之后,身为银行出纳的卡莉丢下自己在加拿大的未婚夫,每周都打开七封情书,跟随这些情书游历伦敦,尽量精确地重现信中内容。

    Now , 67 years later to the day , bank teller Carly , who has left her own fiance behind in Canada , opens Irene 's letters a week at a time and follows them as precisely as she can .

  15. 银行的出纳盗用了五万元,并且逃逸。

    The cashier embezzled $ 50000 from the bank and ran away .

  16. 如果银行的出纳要求起诉。

    If the bank teller press charges .

  17. 只有银行经理、出纳和一个党员知道骡子驮的是什么。

    Only the bank manager , the treasurer and a dependable party member knew exactly what was on the backs of the mules .

  18. 近来大多数美国银行已采用万能出纳机。

    Most US banks have recently moved towards universal tellers .

  19. 例如,在银行抢劫中,被告只是递一个纸条给银行出纳,结果该银行出纳心脏病发而死,这时向下的偏离是允许的。

    For example , a downward departure may be warranted if in robbing a bank , the defendant merely passed a note to the teller , as a result of which the teller had a heart attack and died .

  20. 当她告诉她的亲戚她将来要在银行工作时,他们只是认为她会在银行做个出纳。

    When she told her relatives she was going to work in a bank , they had assumed she was going to be a teller .