
  • 网络Silver bracelet
  1. 我在马路边的那家旧货商店里,无间中发现了这个银手镯。

    I stumbled across this silver bracelet in the junk shop down the road .

  2. 我打算给我妈妈买一个银手镯作为生日礼物。

    A : I want to buy mom a silver bracelet for her birthday .

  3. 给卡丽买了一点小银手镯。

    Bought a little silver bangle for Carrie .

  4. 她一边说话,一边一圈一圈地转动着她手腕上的银手镯。

    While she spoke she turned a silver bracelet round and round her wrist .

  5. 信封下面还有他的银手镯,包在餐巾纸里。

    His silver bracelet was wrapped in tissue paper at the bottom of the envelope .

  6. 你手镯他说,拿起一个闪亮的新找的银手镯。

    " Your bracelet ," he said , holding up a shiny new-looking silver bracelet .

  7. 大卫•莫林一边分析为移动设备设计产品的难处,一边有条不紊的摆弄着自己银手镯上的链子。

    Dave Morin is methodically thumbing the chain links on his silver bracelet as he parses the difficulties of designing products for mobile devices .

  8. 他就在这厨房里同她在一起,白衬衫,灰长发,咔叽布裤子,棕色凉鞋,银手镯,银项链。

    He was here with her , right in this kitchen , in his white shirt , long gray hair , khaki slacks , brown sandals , silver bracelet , and silver chain around his neck .

  9. 还是那银长发,手镯,牛仔裤,照相机从肩上挂下来,胳膊上青筋可见。

    The same long silver hair , the bracelet , jeans or khakis , cameras hanging off his shoulders , the veins standing out on his arms .