
  1. 从《簪花仕女图》探看唐代仕女画的审美风格

    On the Painting Style of the Tang Dynasty Through the Picture A Beauty Wearing a Hairpin

  2. 他的早期作品《街头时尚忆》是对传为唐代绘画的《簪花仕女图》的进行的文本改造。

    His early work " street Fashion Comments " is a revision of the text of the Tang Dynasty painting " Group portrait of Noblewomen " .

  3. 本文就是要通过分析《簪花仕女图》这一画作,从而探寻出佛教艺术审美对唐代仕女画的影响。

    This thesis aims at exploring the effect of Buddhism aesthetic taste on Beauty Paintings of Tang , which bases on the analysis of painting Beauties Wearing Flowers .

  4. 本文试以《簪花仕女图》为出发点,探析它的艺术成就和特点,以此对唐代绘画的风格与同行探讨。

    With A Beauty Wearing a Hairpin as a starting poing , this essay discusses its characteristics and artistic achievements with a view to revealing the painting styles in the Tang Dynasty .
