  • bracelet
  • 用珠子或玉石等穿起来做成的镯子:金~。玉~。


(镯子) bracelet:

  • 金钏

    gold bracelet


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 钏国贤

    Chuan Guoxian

  1. Tom花了十分钏练习使用收音机。

    Tom had spent ten minutes on practicing using the radio .

  2. 他对那少女一见钏情。

    He fell in love with the girl at first sight .

  3. 用地理信息系统研究1993年钏路近海地震破坏和地震烈度分布的评估方法

    Study on evaluation method of damage and seismic intensity distribution for the 1993 Kushiro-Oki earthquake using GIS

  4. 有人正忙着工作,她的钏镯在一角放出音乐。

    Some one was busy with her work , and her bangles made music in the corner .

  5. 日本钏路煤田的煤层割理形态类似于孤立的直线节理。

    The coal cleat pattern in the Kushiro coalfield , Japan , shows some analogy to isolated straight joints .

  6. 至于钏影楼这个名儿,我用得最多,有好几方图章,都是刻着钏影楼的。

    Chuan Ying Lou is the name I have used most frequently . I have several seals engraved with this name .

  7. 又怀疑着这钏影楼三字,好像是个香艳的名词,有没有我的什么罗曼史在里面?

    There is also a suspicion that Chuan Ying Lou seems to carry an erotic undertone & does it in any way reflect my romances ?

  8. “刚至院门前,只见王夫人的丫鬟名金钏儿者,和一个才留了头的小女孩儿站在台阶坡上玩.”

    " On the verandah steps there , Lady Wang 's maid Jinchuan was playing with a girl who had just let her hair grow . "

  9. 结果表明该钏轨道梁满足设计要求,平联在整个钏轨道梁结构中应力最大。

    The results show that the steel track beam meet the design requirements , and the parallel connecting was the maximum stress in the whole structure . 4 .

  10. 本文介绍了钏路煤层及相关割理系统的特性,通过试验研究了围压变化和煤层割理对气体渗透性的影响。

    The characteristics of a coal seam in the Kushiro coalfield and its relevant cleat system are introduced . The influence of confining pressure change and coal cleat on gas permeability is studied by experiments .

  11. 如今我们将各人所得的金器,就是脚链子,镯子,打印的戒指,耳环,手钏,都送来为耶和华的供物,好在耶和华面前为我们的生命赎罪。

    So we have brought as an offering to the LORD the gold articles each of us acquired armlets , bracelets , signet rings , earrings and necklaces to make atonement for ourselves before the LORD .

  12. 这些阴刻了几何或动物图案的方形图章,具有经济凭证的作用。至于钏影楼这个名儿,我用得最多,有好几方图章,都是刻着钏影楼的。

    These square seals , carved in intaglio with geometric or animal motifs , served as economic documentation . Chuan Ying Lou is the name I have used most frequently . I have several seals engraved with this name .

  13. 朋友们再三要请钏斯医生来替我看病,因此,要是你们他上我这儿来过,可别惊讶。我只不过有点儿喉咙痛和头痛,并没有什么大不了的毛病。

    They insist also on my seeing Mr. Jones -- therefore do not be alarmed if you should hear of his having been to me -- and excepting a sore throat and head-ache , there is not much the matter with me .

  14. 结果表明钏轨道梁具有足够的刚度,且竖向刚度稍小于横向刚度;平联对钢轨道梁横向刚度有影响,对竖向和扭转刚度影响不大。

    The results show that the beam analyzed has sufficient rigidity , and the vertical stiffness was slightly smaller that the lateral stiffness ; the parallel connecting was influential to the lateral stiffness , but on little effect on the vertical and torsional stiffness . 2 .

  15. 运用子空间迭代法,采用08铁路桥梁抗震设计规范标准反应谱,对钏轨道梁进行反应谱法地震响应分析,计算了钢轨道梁在设计地震作用下最大应力、位移响应。

    Using the subspace iteration method and the seismic standard response spectrum of 08 railway bridges aseismic design code , the seismic responses of the steel track beam was analyzed . The maximum stress and displacement of the steel beam with the seismic action was calculated .