
  • 网络tufa
  1. BytheShore在岸边钙华塔升高得像巨型的沙堡,它正在窥视着莫诺湖的表面。TufaTowers钙华塔

    The tufa towers rise like giant sand castles , peeking above Mono Lake 's surface .

  2. 柔和、白色的钙华塔形成于淡水泉从湖底渗透出来的地方。

    The delicate white tufa towers formed where freshwater springs percolate up from the bottom of the lake .

  3. SereneScene平静的场景这些钙华塔的照片是在冬季拍摄的。

    This photo of the towers was taken during wintertime .

  4. WhimsicalTowers稀奇古怪的钙华塔这些浅灰色和象牙形的“钙华塔”,位于美国加州的莫诺湖,它们可能看起来像是令人毛骨悚然的艺术灌注物,然而它们是在自然界里由石灰岩所构成的。

    These pale gray and ivory " tufa towers , " located in California 's Mono Lake , may look like eerie art instillations , but they occur naturally and are made of limestone .

  5. 居民们成群结队地前来华塔布村参观这个“圣灵感孕说”。

    Residents have turned out in their droves to visit the immaculate conception in Hutabohu village .

  6. 这些独特的“塔”(钙华塔)最集中地积聚在莫诺湖的南端。

    The greatest concentration of these unique " towers " is located at the south end of the lake .

  7. 这些浅灰色和象牙形的“钙华塔”,位于美国加州的莫诺湖,它们可能看起来像是令人毛骨悚然的艺术灌注物,然而它们是在自然界里由石灰岩所构成的。

    These pale gray and ivory " tufa towers ," located in California 's Mono Lake , may look like eerie art instillations , but they occur naturally and are made of limestone .

  8. 像照片中的这些钙华塔一度曾被淹没,然而当湖水改道流入洛杉矶渡槽而在莫诺湖的水面降低的时候,它们会逐渐开始显露出来。

    Towers like these were once submerged , but gradually began to become visible as water was diverted into the Los Angeles Aqueduct and the surface level of Mono Lake fell . White Stone , Pink Mountains