
shì yìnɡ xìnɡ xuǎn zé
  • adaptive selection
  1. 多维适应和适应性选择的生态翻译原则可以对那些整合适应选择较高的译本提供合理的描述和解读。

    The Eco-translation principle of " multiple-adaptation and adaptive selection " can give reasonable description and explanation to those translated works which have high degree of holistic adaptation and selection .

  2. 他系统地从适应和选择的视角解释了翻译过程,提出且论证了译者为中心的翻译观,多维度适应和适应性选择的翻译原则以及三维转换的翻译方法。

    He explains the translation process from the perspective of adaptation and selection systematically . He also explores the translator centeredness , the multi-dimensional adaptation and adaptive selection translation principle as well as the three-dimensional transformation translation method .

  3. 使用填充技术和hash函数,得到在ROM(RandomOracleModel)和GM(genericgroupmodel)模型下抗适应性选择消息伪造的可证明安全的消息恢复盲签名方案。

    Moreover , using the padding technique and hash function , a provably secure message recovery blind signature scheme , against adaptive chosen-message attack in random oracle model and generic group model , was proposed .

  4. 此外,证明了方案中加密算法在DDH假设和适应性选择密文攻击下是安全的。

    The encryption algorithm in the scheme is semantically secure against adaptive chosen cipher-text attacks based on the DDH assumption .

  5. 为提供可认证性,抵制常见攻击,本文还提出了一个基于身份的签名方案,在随机预言机模型(ROM)下,该方案满足非适应性选择消息攻击下的不可伪造性。

    In order to withstanding common active attacks , an identity based signature scheme is also proposed , which is existentially unforgeable under a non-adaptively chosen message attack in Random Oracle model .

  6. 2000年Cramer和Shoup[1]提出了一个不依赖于随机预言机模型的数字签名方案,该方案在强RSA假设下可以安全的抵御适应性选择消息攻击。

    In 2000 Cramer and Shoup [ 1 ] presented a signature scheme which is secure against adaptive chosen-message attack under the strong RSA assumption and which does not rely on the random oracle model .

  7. 由此,翻译成为译者多维度适应和适应性选择的最终结果。

    Here , translation becomes the final result oftranslators ' adaptation and selection .

  8. 广告翻译过程主要分为适应与选择两个过程,即以译者为中心进行的适应性选择和选择性适应的过程。

    The translation process is centered by translators ' selective adaptation and adaptive selection .

  9. 人类有更多的适应性选择和社会机制,如:计划生育、商业贸易和科学技术革新。

    Human beings have more adaptive choices and social mechanisms , such as birth control , trade , and scientific innovation .

  10. 新方案在随机预言机模型中在适应性选择消息攻击下满足存在性不可伪造。

    The new scheme can be proven to be existential unforgeable against adaptive chosen message attacks in the random oracle model .

  11. 在随机预言机模型下,证明了其在适应性选择消息攻击及身份攻击下都能抵抗存在伪造。

    We show that it is secure against existential forgeable on adaptively chosen message and ID attack under the random oracle .

  12. 针对新市场规则,文章分析了政府、厂商及个人的适应性选择和可采取的对策。

    This article also analyzed the adaptive choice and adoptive measures of the government , cooperation and individuals under the new market regulation .

  13. 政府决策的过程与结果,实际上是政府与代表不同利益集团的社会公众之间的动态平衡与适应性选择。

    The process and result of government policy decision in practice is the dynamic equilibrium and adaptability choice between the government and representative different benefit group .

  14. 此后,又提出“策略选择及发现模式”,这一模式清晰地反映了儿童在众多支持策略中的适应性选择以及儿童的策略发现。

    After this , he developed a model of children 's strategy choices and discovery , which reflected children 's choices among various backup strategies and their strategies'finding clearly .

  15. 文章指出,幼龄果园间种牧草是一种较好的坡地可持续利用模式,但在牧草品种的适应性选择应加以深入研究。

    The author suggests that young orchard inter-planting pasture Should be a good sustainable land utilization system , but deeper study should be conducted in the selection of suitability .

  16. 讨论了这3类方案的安全性,证明了其中12个方案在随机预言机模型下抗适应性选择消息存在伪造攻击和身份攻击。

    We also discuss the security of the proposed schemes and prove twelve schemes can against existential forgery on adaptively chosen message and ID attack under the random oracle model .

  17. 对于基于身份的公钥加密,本文给出了一个理想功能,并证明了任何适应性选择密文及身分攻击下明文不可区分的体制都可以安全实现该理想功能。

    For the identity-based encryption , we proposed an ideal functionality and proved that any identity-based encryption scheme which is secure against adaptive chosen-ciphertext and identity attacks , can securely realize it .

  18. 最后,在标准模型下提出了一个新的基于双线性对的代理签名方案,证明了该方案在标准模型下能够抵抗适应性选择消息攻击下的存在性伪造。

    At last , a new provably secure signature scheme in the standard model is proposed . The scheme is proved secure against existential forgery in adaptively chosen message attack in the standard model .

  19. 2001~2002年在塔里木河中下游对15种(或品种)引种牧草进行适应性选择种植。

    15 introduced forage species were planted in the middle and lower reaches of Tarim river in 2001 ~ 2002 , their ecological adaptability , growth , biomass were observed for selecting good forage species adaptating to the areas .

  20. 其翻译原则是多维度适应和适应性选择,翻译方法是语言维、文化维、交际维的三维转换。

    As to translation methods , Hu maintains that a translator should , under the guidance of the principle of multi-dimensional adaptation and adaptive selection , make adaptive selection and transformation from linguistic , cultural , and communicative dimensions .

  21. 通过研究分析,本文作者认为从翻译适应选择论的角度来看,英若诚在翻译《家》的时候,体现了在不同的生态翻译环境下对语言维,文化维,交际维的适应性选择和灵活转换。

    Through research and analysis , the author believes that in the perspective of " the approach to translation as adaptation and selection ", the translating process of The Family reflects adaptive selection and flexible transformation in different eco-environments .

  22. 随后又证明了其中弱的理想功能与适应性选择消息与身份攻击下存在性不可伪造这一安全性定义是等价的。

    Then according to our definition we proved that one is not weaker than the other , and proved that the weaker one is equivalent to the security notion of secure against existential forgery on adaptively chosen message and identity attacks .

  23. 高原鼠兔的洞系建筑特点是对高原环境的一种适应性选择,除了常规意义上的栖居和避险等基本功能而外,还兼顾了洞内保温、空气对流之间的利弊权衡。

    The burrow architectural feature of plateau pika was one of the adaptive choice to plateau environment . Except for the basic functions of dwelling and risc-avoiding , the construction of burrow also taken into account the trade-offs between thermal insulation and ventilation .

  24. 此外,作者还分析了影响译者适应性选择的其他因素,例如政治,译者所在单位历史文化积累,以及观众的结构组成。这些方面虽然是译文质量的影响因素,却也是评价译文的重要参考指标。

    In addition to that , some other factors are also mentioned . For example , the culture of the entity where the translator works for , the structure of audience and politics , all of which are important references for translation evaluation .

  25. 在生态翻译学理论框架下,多维度适应与适应性选择成为翻译原则,即译者在翻译过程中,从翻译生态环境的不同层次、不同方面力求多维度地适应,继而依此做出适应性地选择转换。

    Within the theoretical framework of Eco-translatology ," multi-dimensional adaptation and adaptive selection " becomes the translating principle , which means in translation process translators are required to multi-dimensionally adapt to the translational eco-environment at various levels and respects , and then further conduct corresponding adaptive selection and transformation .

  26. 一种适应性路径选择算法模型研究

    Research on the fuzzy model of an adaptive route selection algorithm

  27. 多目标最优化进化算法中适应性的选择

    The Fitness Selection about Evolutionary Algorithms For Multiobjective Optimization

  28. 福建滨海沙地造林树种的适应性与选择研究

    Study on adaptability to coastal sandy land and selection of different planting tree species in Fujian Province

  29. 重庆市南山梅花恢复生长势及适应性品种选择

    Restoring of Growth Potential and Selection of Adaptative Cultivars of Mei Flowers in Nanshan Mountain , Chongqing

  30. 仿真表明,基于局域主方向重构的适应性邻域选择可有效处理局域流形结构差异较大的数据集;

    The simulation show that the method can deal with data set with high variation in local manifold effectively .