
  1. 龙灯随着锣鼓声进来,停在二门外的大天井里

    The dragon dance troupe , beating drums and cymbals , entered the outer compound .

  2. 夏天我和吉姆在天井里吃早饭。

    In the summer Jim and I have breakfast out on the patio .

  3. 她坐在轮椅上在医院天井里的一棵树下。

    She 's in a wheelchair under a tree in the hospital courtyard .

  4. 天井里的青石板是湿漉漉的,因为昨晚下了一阵雨。

    The granite pavement of the courtyard is wet because it rained last night .

  5. 他向四周看了看,才发现他正站在一个高墙环绕的的正方形天井里。

    He looked around ; he was in a court surrounded by high walls ;

  6. 他正看见觉慧在天井里替弟弟们燃放神书带箭。

    Chueh-hui was setting off a " Miraculous Book and Arrows " for the boys .

  7. 觉民赞叹道,他陪着觉慧在天井里散步。阿里陪着他作这次夜间视察。

    And he joined Chueh-hui in his stroll . Ali was his principal attendant during this nocturnal survey .

  8. 这时,正有一个孩子在天井里玩,看门婆婆的孩子,或是随便一个女工的孩子。

    There was a child playing in the yard & the child of the portress or of some work-woman .

  9. 才下到天井里,他便本能地改变了步态,好像预计着前面便是吊桥。

    On their reaching the courtyard he instinctively altered his tread , as being in expectation of a drawbridge ;

  10. 别人永远没有知道他怎样能不开正门便到了天井里。

    No one ever found out how he had managed to get into the courtyard without opening the big gates .

  11. 你在早晨就跑出来到天井里玩儿,你,跑着就像摇摇欲跌似的。

    You have come out in the morning to play in the courtyard , tottering and tumbling as you run .

  12. 他痴痴地立在天井里,看着觉新走开了。

    He stood in the courtyard and watched Chueh-hsin walk away , then gazed idly at the potted flowers along the path .

  13. 后来我坐在天井里,一边品尝胡萝卜芫荽汤、新鲜面包、烤金枪鱼配龙蒿酱和苹果脆片,一边俯瞰下面的梯田。

    I sat on the patio overlooking the terraces and enjoyed a near-perfect meal of carrot and coriander soup , fresh bread , grilled tuna with tarragon sauce and apple crisp .

  14. 尽管有点冷,我还是忍不住到天井里用餐,顺便饱览美景,晚餐分量很足水果沙拉、野生蘑菇汤、咖喱鱼足够五个人吃。

    Though it was getting chilly , I could not resist the rolling views from the dining patio , where I was presented with enough food fruit salad , wild mushroom soup , curried fish to fortify five of me .

  15. 尽管有点冷,我还是忍不住到天井里用餐,顺便饱览美景,晚餐分量很足——水果沙拉、野生蘑菇汤、咖喱鱼——足够五个人吃。

    Though it was getting chilly , I could not resist the rolling views from the dining patio , where I was presented with enough food - fruit salad , wild mushroom soup , curried fish - to fortify five of me .

  16. 《民居里的天井》在村庄里转了转,古屋已经只剩下几栋了,散落在新建房屋之间。

    Open yard in the folk house Walking around this village , there is only few ancient houses which are scattering among those new buildings .