
tiān liànɡ
  • amount as much as heaven—extremely large amount
  1. 此番雄心令人折服,但历史表明,进军美国市场是一项艰巨任务,技术咨询公司CCSInsight的分析师本.伍德(BenWood)说,他们将不得不烧掉天量资金才能有一定作为。

    The ambition is eye-watering but history shows that breaking into the US market is a fearsome task , said Ben Wood , analyst at CCS Insight . They will have to spend ridiculous amounts of money to move the needle .

  2. 巨幅信贷增长以及天量资金投放催生了房地产泡沫。

    Huge credit growth and some whopping pumping up of the property bubble .

  3. 3天量阿奇霉素与10天量罗红霉素治疗小儿支原体肺炎临床对照观察

    Clinical Observation on Three-day Dosage Azithromycin Compared with Ten-day Dosage Roxithromycin in the Treatment of Mycoplasma Pneumonia

  4. 护士实习生:老师,这个病人一天量几次体温?

    Nurse Student : How many times a day should this patient have his temperature taken . nurse ?

  5. 正是在这一系列的宽松货币政策效应下,国内信贷出现前所未有的天量增长,固定资产投资立即反弹,实体经济开始逐渐回升。

    It was the effects of the series of the accommodative monetary policy that made the domestic credit grow unprecedentedly , the investment in the fixed asset rebounded immediately , the real economy began to rise again .

  6. 如果你接受了那个完全可以理解但错误的观点吸收了天量的公共补助的银行们对社会回报甚低,你应该会对它们搬迁至瑞士或新加坡的威胁论调感到高兴。

    If you take the perfectly understandable but wrong view that the banks have swallowed a huge public subsidy and have delivered little in return , you should be delighted at their threats to move to Switzerland or Singapore .

  7. 他说,在恒生指数中权重达38.6%的中国三大国有银行,将在未来三年因金融危机期间放出的天量贷款而蒙受巨额贷款损失。

    He says the three largest Chinese state banks , which make up 38.6 % of the Hang Seng Index 's weighting , will face huge loan losses over the next three years because of the lending splurge during the financial crisis .