
  • 网络The Negotiation bank;the negotiating bank;Negotiating
  1. 议付行证明本信用证条款已履行,可按电汇索偿条款向中国银行纽约分行索回货款。

    Negotiating bank may claim reimbursement by T / T on the Bank of China New York branch certifying that the credit terms have been complied with .

  2. 如何理解议付,学理和实践曾经存在着不少的争论。实际上,对合格议付行地位的界定关键就在于正确地把握议付的含义。

    How to ascertain the meaning of negotiation evoked much controversy in both theory and practice . In fact , the key to affirm the negotiating bank is to grasp negotiation .

  3. 对于议付行的指示;13。开证行的印章和签字;

    Instructions to the negotiating bank.13.the seal or signature of the opening bank.14 .

  4. 浅议议付行的法律地位及司法实践

    On Legal Status and Judicial Practice of Negotiated-pay Bank

  5. 议付行:中国进出口银行总行营业部

    " Reimbursement Bank : The Export-Import Bank of China , Head Office , Beijing "

  6. 每次交单都必须由议付行在此正本信用证背面背书。

    Each PRESTENTION must be endorsed on the reverse side of this original credit by the negotiating bank .

  7. 每次议付时要出示该转让书,并且每次的议付金额必须由议付行在本证背面签注。

    This letter must be presented with each negotiation , and the amount of any such negotiation must be endorsed on the reverse hereof by the negotiation bank .

  8. 笔者认为,讨论议付、议付行,必须要以对信用证与议付信用证的运作原理,含义特征有一个大致的了解为基础。

    The author deems that talking about negotiation and negotiating bank should be on the basis of a rough understanding on the operating principles of letter of credit and negotiation letter of credit .

  9. 开证行若不付款,议付行可向受益人行使追索权。议付行:中国进出口银行总行营业部

    If the issuing bank does not pay the draft , the negotiating bank has recourse to the beneficiary . " Reimbursement Bank : The Export-Import Bank of China , Head Office , Beijing "

  10. 检验证书是付款时提交给议付行的文件的一个组成部分,但不能作为有关质量、规格、性能、数量和重量的最终检验。

    The quality certificate shall form an integral part of the documents to be presented to the negotiating bank for payment , but shall not be regarded as final with respect to quality , specification , performance , quantity and weight .