
yì shì tīnɡ
  • assembly hall
  1. 当议长走进议事厅的时候,前面由执议长权标的人开路。

    The Speaker is preceded by the mace-bearer upon his entry to the chamber .

  2. 渊源,你知道议事厅前地在哪儿吗?

    Yuanyuan , do you know where Senate Square is ?

  3. 大牛,这里就是议事厅了。

    Daniel , this was the administration hall .

  4. 在古代,它可是个处理大事情的议事厅。

    In ancient times , it was a town hall where important matters were handled .

  5. 他还没走出议事厅,讨论便继续进行。

    As he strode from the council chambers , the discussion resumed with scarcely a pause .

  6. 议事厅的陈设极为华丽。

    The chamber was richly furnished .

  7. 议事厅议院或其他立法机关的会议厅总部安全理事会会议厅

    A hall for the meetings of a legislative or other assembly . Security Council Chamber at Headquarters

  8. 虽然参议院的议事厅并不是国会大厦里最有魅力的景致,但它是显得十分庄严宏伟。

    The Senate chamber is not the most beautiful space in the Capitol , but it is imposing nonetheless .

  9. 若容许执法机关插手议事厅运作,势将对立法会的独立性构成严重损害。

    Legco 's independence will be badly damaged if any law-enforcement agency is allowed to interfere in its proceedings .

  10. 关于晶红龙圣所的正式开放时间,请继续关注我们的官方论坛综合区(议事厅?)。

    Stay tuned to our General Discussion forum for an official announcement on the opening of the Ruby Sanctum .

  11. 柏洛斯·布劳恩爵士守在议事厅外,穿着御林铁卫的纯白长披风和铠甲。

    Ser Boros Blount was stationed outside the chamber , wearing the long white cloak and armor of the Kingsguard .

  12. 9·11袭击发生几个小时后,他说,我在教堂街和议事厅街的拐角处。

    In the hours after the attacks of Sept. 11 , he said , I was at the corner of Church and Chambers .

  13. 但是抗议者要求撤销该贸易协议,并在上周二占领了立法院议事厅。

    Protesters , though , have demanded that the agreement be nullified and seized the meeting chamber of the Legislative Yuan on Tuesday .

  14. 总管道。于是,筋疲力尽的奈德,就这么穿着借来的衣服,大步走进议事厅,发现四名重臣正在等他。

    And so Ned had come striding into the council chambers , bone-tired and dressed in borrowed clothing , to find four members of the small council waiting for him .

  15. 前面已经提及,就在海丝特白兰站立的高台的正上方.有一处阳台,或者说是露天走廊,是从议事厅延伸出来的。

    It has already been noticed , that directly over the platform on which Hester Prynne stood was a kind of balcony , or open gallery , appended to the meeting-house .

  16. 还是那一座平台或刑台,由于七年悠长岁月的风吹日晒雨淋已经变得斑驳黎黑,而且由于又有许多犯人登台示众已经给践踏得高低不平,不过它依然矗立在议事厅的阳台之下。

    The same platform or scaffold , black and weather-stained with the storm or sunshine of seven long years , and foot-worn , too , with the tread of many culprits who had since ascended it , remained standing beneath the balcony of the meeting-house .